Simple and effective. I like it.
I wonder what removing that thin band of gray tiles in the foreground would do for the image?
John this is without a doubt your best shot. I love the lines, minimalism, as is this is something I can see in a gallery or penthouse. I would love to see this in B&W but in either case this is a winner. Great eye, great capture, totally jealous. Strong work.
I like it the way it is, John...there is a story to it...looks like you went down the pool with this shot...
Well seen John, I Like it bud well done!
Thought provoking John, would like to see what it would look like in B&W without the foreground strip of flooring
Good one John, equal points for the two edits
Cool shot John! I prefer the original.
Well seen and captured John a simple and effective composition, all three work for me
I really, really like the b/w version!