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Thread: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

  1. #1
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Some of you may know that my husband just had a minor operation early this week...At the hospital I knew I will get bored waiting for his procedure to be done, recovery, etc., as we did not bring any reading material to amuse me or him. I did bring my camera manual with me. I asked myself..."Now what do I want to learn about my camera today, that I already do not know about?" My finger randomly opened a page on histogram...

    Do you know that in the D810 you can adjust your highlights individually in each channel? Here are the results. These 4 images were shot then re-shot again just by adjusting either the aperture or shutter speed to adjust the RGB channels individually. No other processing has been done after I loaded these in my computer apart from cropping for submission...

    1. Back of Bill's bed...all these little things are intriguing and I am not allowed to touch anything. If anything I would like to wheel Bill out to the hallway and race him up and have fun. But I was not allowed so this is what I took a shot of instead...

    Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    2 Looking down from the receiving/registering area. I do not think the nurses trust be to be left in the room alone while waiting for Bill to be operated on.... so I was escorted to the waiting room again with my little beeper machine after I left Bill before I do any damage to their equipment. I was told that I will be contacted and be updated of his progress via this machine within 45 minutes. I went to the reception and told the lady I am bored and would like to go around the hospital, can I take some photographs? She said yes but be back in 20 and do not go out of the building as the machine will not work outside of the hospital's perimeter.

    Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    3 I pressed the wrong elevator level and ended in the cafeteria, ate lunch and back in more or less 20 minutes. I got bored again so I took this image hanging on the wall in front of me. My beeper sounded and I was told to go to a room so the doctor can talk to me...

    Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    4 OK so there was nothing wrong. But I cannot see my husband yet. He is in recovery, he is OK, etc., etc., and I have to go back to the receiving area again...I will be contacted in 45. OMG! I got Bill's wallet, all his credit cards, the key to the car.... JACKPOT!!! I went back to the reception. I told that lady that I want to go shopping...I am bored sitting down doing nothing...I was given the remote for the tv...I said I seldom watch tv because I'd fall asleep, does she want to go shopping with me? Where is the nearest place to go? Apparently the lady was warned about me so she told me to stay put and don't go out of the building...!!!! I took this shot below instead...

    Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Hope you like my shots...or do they need some post processing instead? Please do not be kind to me...I've had enough old ladies patiently talking to me kindly this week. Oh...I wasn't given any red pill while I was waiting for Bill either...and I did not run amok either...I was very civil...The only thing that I really did was talk that lady off me when she said I have a nice camera, my pictures must all be good. Who wouldn't go crazy?

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Enjoyed the shots, love the back story. Nice clean shots, I'd crop the artwork to the edge of the frames. The bed shot is cool, so much to zero in on. Hope Bill gets better!

  3. #3
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Hi Izzie,

    Firstly, all the best to Bill and hope he makes a quick recovery.

    Secondly, thanks for my early morning laugh.

    Are you referring to the ability to monitor the 'blinkies' in each channel (R,G or B) individually after you have taken the shot and then adjust accordingly?

    I'm impressed with the IQ of these, again taken with ISO3200 (as was the recent butterfly/moth) and wondering if these are from the NEFs or Jpegs and what in camera noise settings if any you are using. I have not yet played with my D800 at high ISOs.

    As for processing, some WB adjustments are necessary but nothing else jumps out at me.

    And a great narrative to this series and wonder if they will be letting you back in there again, unsupervised


  4. #4

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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Hope your husband is recovering well!

    The composition in these images is consistently very nice. The white balance seems to be off in all of them and I'm sure you'll like the images better if you get that issue resolved. In the last two, you could use a twisting tool to square up the works of art to make them appear as if the viewer is looking straight on at them.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    You crack me up Izzie (well done)

    Was it mucking about with the highlights in each R, G, B channel that messed with the White Balance?

    Hope Bill gets his wallet and cards back before too much damage is done and is sufficiently well (from the procedure) to be able to withstand the shock

    Best wishes to you both, Dave

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Mike identifies, I think, the key point - White balance.

    Other than that they're wonderful pictures to accompany a superbly written piece of text. Makes me feel that I was there.

  7. #7

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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Hi Izzie, I agree with fixing the white balance and cropping/squaring up the works of art images. Your commentary is wonderful and what makes it really funny is that I can imagine your antics

  8. #8
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Strong coffee and a good laugh, thanks Izzie. I feel your pain with the boredom in hospitals never thought to take a camera
    Hope Bill is on the mend

  9. #9
    Ziggy's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Hi Izzie, glad all went well. I like the shot of the picture.

    Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

  10. #10
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Enjoyed the shots, love the back story. Nice clean shots, I'd crop the artwork to the edge of the frames. The bed shot is cool, so much to zero in on. Hope Bill gets better!
    He is OK now but not when we got home because he is a bleeder and has to change his dressing several times during the night.

    I tried to crop the artwork, but I think it needs the perspective tool first...I will tackle that next. Thanks for your comment...'appreciate it very much...

  11. #11
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post
    Hi Izzie,

    Firstly, all the best to Bill and hope he makes a quick recovery.

    Secondly, thanks for my early morning laugh.
    I am glad that I was able to start your day with a smile...Hope you kept it all day...

    Are you referring to the ability to monitor the 'blinkies' in each channel (R,G or B) individually after you have taken the shot and then adjust accordingly?
    Yes...isn't that a good thing with later model DSLR? Really cool...

    I'm impressed with the IQ of these, again taken with ISO3200 (as was the recent butterfly/moth) and wondering if these are from the NEFs or Jpegs and what in camera noise settings if any you are using. I have not yet played with my D800 at high ISOs.
    Actually since the three shots were indoors, I decided to use my Auto-ISO feature. You know you can turn that on and off by scrolling the scroll button you use for adjusting your shutter speed. This is when I really noticed that when doing an indoor shot, the ISO usually uses a higher or lower one depending on the available light. This is really cool...

    As for the noise, that is easy...this is the tutorial I had came to use...I was able to finally find it so I can give you the link...

    As for processing, some WB adjustments are necessary but nothing else jumps out at me.
    As I had already said, I did not do any processing on any of these as these are the results of my experiment with the RGB channel highlight selector...I will upload the correction using only the WB fixer-upper before I log off...Thanks...

    And a great narrative to this series and wonder if they will be letting you back in there again, unsupervised

    They better let me in as I have to bring Bill back this coming Wednesday for stitch removal. I promised him I will behave... Thank you for your comments and feedback and tips ... again. I appreciate it very much...

  12. #12
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Thanks Mike -- truly appreciate your comments. Yes he is recovering quite nicely or he is not complaining at all, you know that macho feeling kinda thing--men don't complain, they suffer in silence.

    I will upload the WB correction soon, thanks for the feedback...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Hope your husband is recovering well!

    The composition in these images is consistently very nice. The white balance seems to be off in all of them and I'm sure you'll like the images better if you get that issue resolved. In the last two, you could use a twisting tool to square up the works of art to make them appear as if the viewer is looking straight on at them.

  13. #13
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    No is an operator's fault really...I did not check. As for Bill, the truth is that it does not matter whether I have his wallet and car keys. We both have a copy of each other's Credit Cards and car keys. I was just mucking about because I suspect Grahame will read my post...

    As for Bill, I took him to the 2 hour walking experience at Budweiser for the Beermaster Tour yesterday to amuse him...He has to rest early last night because he was bushed. But he enjoyed the beer tasting right from the tank. I didn't drink...'have to drive him home with me in one piece without scaring him...If he was capable, I would have brought him to Ballpark Village but he was already tired...

    Thank you for the comments and feedback. I do appreciate it very much...

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    You crack me up Izzie (well done)

    Was it mucking about with the highlights in each R, G, B channel that messed with the White Balance?

    Hope Bill gets his wallet and cards back before too much damage is done and is sufficiently well (from the procedure) to be able to withstand the shock

    Best wishes to you both, Dave

  14. #14
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Uh oh...another moderator commenting...I hope I am not in trouble enough to be kick out...yet. I promise I will be good, really....

    After several responses about my white balance, is now slowly sinking in my hard head that I have that constant problem. I will upload a WB correction processing soon as before I log off then tackle the perspective tool in Photoshop next...not yet. I am still busy taking care of Bill on and off and my household.

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Mike identifies, I think, the key point - White balance.

    Other than that they're wonderful pictures to accompany a superbly written piece of text. Makes me feel that I was there.
    Thanks for the feedback...and comment. I do appreciate it very much.

  15. #15
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by Rita View Post
    Hi Izzie, I agree with fixing the white balance and cropping/squaring up the works of art images. Your commentary is wonderful and what makes it really funny is that I can imagine your antics
    I am glad I made you smile too, Rita...I just want to emphasize that life need not be too is OK to have fun as long as I do not inconvenienced anyone, but I did try to ask first...and I was given a very stern NO!! So I sat quietly in my little corner... you believe that...entertaining a man who in reality is really scared is difficult. No one knew why he stayed home for a week and kept busy with our books and kept standing up and down and walking the carpet thin. I knew he was scared. Even men can be scared too, not just us women...

    I will tackle the squaring up the frames later. I have to take care of Bill. He is doing very well compared to yesterday when I tired him silly with that tour we went to but I need to keep his mind occupied so the thought of pain is at least lessen...

    Thank you for passing by, commenting and giving me feedback. I appreciate it very much...

  16. #16
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by gregj1763 View Post
    Strong coffee and a good laugh, thanks Izzie. I feel your pain with the boredom in hospitals never thought to take a camera
    Hope Bill is on the mend
    Yes..he is better today and I keep entertaining him with my antics while tackling all these household duties and the doggies too. Now you will remember to bring your camera every day no matter what. I always'll never know what you'll find along the corner waiting just for you to take that shot.

    Thank you for your feedback and comment and wishing well for Bill....I do appreciate it very much...

  17. #17
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Thanks Ziggy. That is a very nice edit...I love it...thank you for passing by and doing this for me...'appreciate it, mate...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziggy View Post
    Hi Izzie, glad all went well. I like the shot of the picture.

    Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

  18. #18
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Ok... here is the correction to the WB that everyone has been pounding my hard coconut into...Please tell me it this are OK now...

    1. Back of Bill's bed

    Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    2. Garden down the West Wing

    Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    3. Fern picture frame

    Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    4. Bird of Paradise frame

    Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    'Hope this is OK now...will tackle the perspective tool later on...will appreciate added comments...

  19. #19

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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    men don't complain, they suffer in silence.
    Not I. The very few times I get sick I act like such a child that my wife would love it if I would suffer in silence!

  20. #20

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    Re: Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    The revised white balance looks fine to me in all but the first one. I've posted your and my revisions below so you can toggle back and forth between them to see the difference.

    An important issue to be aware of in hospital rooms is that there are often at least three light sources affecting a scene -- outside daylight coming through a window, the overhead light in the room and light being emitted by medical equipment. It's helpful to make a mental note of the various light sources while you're in the hospital room so you know what to look for when post-processing the image.

    When there is more than one light source, I've always found it easier to first adjust the white balance by getting the whites white. I then selectively adjust the other areas by adjusting the color balance. That's never an easy task, at least not for me.

    The distinction between white balance and color balance is so fine that I'm not sure it's helpful. Adjusting the white balance is a global change that primarily gets the white tones right and adjusting the color balance primarily has to do with selectively getting the other colors right that need further adjustment.

    I only adjusted adjusted the white balance. I sense that my color balance is fine in the lower half but off a bit in the upper half, as evidenced by the pinkish tones in that half. The change between the upper and lower halves is so gradual that I would fine tune the color balance of the upper half using a gradient.

    Your revised version
    Images from Hospital visit...for C&C

    My revised version
    Images from Hospital visit...for C&C
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 11th July 2015 at 03:25 AM.

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