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Thread: My Bridge is acting up again

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    My Bridge is acting up again

    I really prefer to open my images from my card reader using Bridge - > file > get photos from camera

    Lately it has been taking an inordinate amount of time to open.

    Sometimes after a several minute wait with the hour glass appearing I use Control/Alternate/Delete. Sometimes the hour glass symbol doesn't appear and the cursor arrow remains. Or I close Bridge by clicking the X in the upper right corner.

    this gives me the message:

    Adobe Bridge Is Not Responding
    Check for solution and close program
    Close program
    Wait for program to respond

    BTW: I have tried several different card readers.

    I cannot open my images using Bridge> File> Open because Open is grayed out.

    The only way that I can open my images is through Photoshop CS6 using File> open and searching for my images on the memory card.

    My Adobe Bridge seems to work fine in all aspects except originally opening the images from the memory card.

    This is really screwing up my work flow and it has become a PITA.

    Is this a ploy by Adobe to force me to convert to Photoshop CC. They have done other nefarious things to convince me to convert to Photoshop CC such as this ad which is now appearing on my Flickr account...

    My Bridge is acting up again

    It appears that there are only two choices: click the blue triangle to the right of "Creative Cloud Photography Plan" or Click on the blue box "Learn More"

    My Bridge is acting up again

    Clicking on the x at the upper right corner to close out this ad brings me back to the original ad box

    My Bridge is acting up again

    And so on - round and round.

    My head is swimming. I was notified that I needed to upgrade my Adobe programs. I tried to do this but, ended up with the following notice.

    My Bridge is acting up again

    I have never heard of this program nor do I know how to close it down. My head is swimming and I am getting flustered. I wish to hell that I was not married to Adobe because I'd like a divorce!
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 10th July 2015 at 10:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    Have you tried to cold reboot your computer to see if it fixes the Bridge issue; i.e. power it down and restart it? I find that this sometimes fixes a problem like you are encountering.

    I get the same ad on Flickr and I'm already a CC subscriber so it's not just targeting you.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    Manfred: I tried a cold reboot and it seems to have worked. Thanks!

  4. #4
    rtbaum's Avatar
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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    Whatever you do DO NOT hit Dell System Restore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5

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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    If you are using Windows, how full is your hard drive, mine was really full with almost not place to open the thumbnails in the cache.

    Cheers: Allan

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Manfred: I tried a cold reboot and it seems to have worked. Thanks!
    What sometimes seems to happen Bill is that a program does not release the memory (RAM) resources it was using when it terminates. Windows has routines for swapping programs that are running at a lower priority onto the hard drive to free up working memory (a process known as "swapping"). This is a slow process as things are loaded and unloaded onto the hard drive and it really seems to bring the system down to a crawl. A (cold) reboot seems to be the best way to fix it.

    From what I can tell, this issue appears to have been fixed in Windows 8.

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    I am running Windows 7 with 16 GB of ram.

    My hard drive is 1.34 TB: Used 864 GB, Free 516 GB

  8. #8
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    The problem started when I tried to update my Photoshop CS6 in order to recognize the RAW images from my recently acquired Canon SX50-HS Bridge Camera.

    Somehow, I believe that the download corrupted my Adobe CS6 Bridge. The download stated that I had to close Adobe Photodownloader (which I had never installed and don't want). I cannot find the Adobe Photodownloader but have read all kinds of complaints about it hanging up.

    My Bridge is acting up again

    However, any way I have found to remove the Adobe Photodownloader states how to remove it from Photoshop Elements. The only Photoshop elements that I have on my computer is Adobe Premier Elements.

    A hard reboot helped this problem once but, it reverted back to freezing up when I try to download images from my CF Card (I have tried several different card readers).

    I have had this microsoft problem logo on my Photoshop CS6 Icon ever since I tried the original update to accept my SX50-HS RAW files.

    My Bridge is acting up again

    Problem event name: AppHangB1
    Application name: Bridge.exe
    Aplication version:
    Application timestamp: 50dga019
    Hang signature: 75e7
    Hang type: 6144 and it has 7 additional hang signatures

    Next this popped up after I had done the hard boot:

    My Bridge is acting up again

    I thought, what the heck, I will try the Photo Downloader. It froze up after 64% of my images were downloaded. I ended up having the entire computer frozen.

    This is not the first time that I have had update problems with Adobe programs. It has happened to me on several different computers over the years. I hav just ignored any Adobe update notice. The only reason I did the update this time was to access my SX50-HS RAW files.


    I plan on removing CS6 from my computer and reloading it. Hopefully, it will not cause me problems.

  9. #9

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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    Your problem seems horribly like some of the Malware issues I have had with things like rdsrv software attempting to force you to accept their malware by interfering with your computer settings.

    You think you are downloading genuine software but also get an intrusion by their hidden bugs which aren't detected by anti virus etc because they appear to be part of a genuine programme.

    If it happens again try resetting your modem to original factory settings; and don't forget to use a new password.

    Although I am now mostly clear of the problem I still get the occasional attack; but the modem reset always clears the issue for me.

  10. #10
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    I am scanning (as I write) with Malwarebytes Anti Malware.

    However, instead of Malware, I think that the culprit is the darn Photo Downloader which has prevented me from properly updating my Photoshop CS6. I think that the Photo Downloader is fighting with my Bridge to download photos resulting in a complete mess up.

    If the Malwarebytes doesn't find any suspicious malware. I will uninstall my present CS6 and reinstall that program. I will not be able to work with Raw filre from the SX50-HS camera but, JPEGS should be O.K. for the limited use I will be making of those images.

    I am seriously considering doing all my photo editing on a computer that is not attached to the internet. That way, I cannot be invaded. I can shift the post processed images over to the Internet connected computer using a thumb drive.

  11. #11
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I can shift the post processed images over to the Internet connected computer using a thumb drive.
    That is an excellent vector for transferring malware from one computer to another.

  12. #12

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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    All my photo work and records etc are on a non internet computer, Richard.

    But unfortunately it has become virtually impossible to be totally internet free now that many programmes need an internet connection as part of the obligatory registration process etc. However, that can be carefully controlled and rarely used so it is certainly a lot safer.

    As Manfred pointed out, any connection between computers can transmit malware but I use a flash drive in a one way transfer so you would have to be very unfortunate to get any form of 'leak back' from that method.

    The problem with much of this newer malware is that it doesn't actually sit inside your computer so can't be detected by antivirus software. I have the paid forms of Malwarebytes and AVG plus the Windows Security Essentials and although that will detect any actual transfer of material, hopefully; the malware producers are now using other methods.

    Software like rdsrv will hijack your modem where it can't be detected then spring into action to redirect you to a malware advertising site when you go to genuine sites.

    I was getting problems when I visited some genuine sites and every second click redirected me to a malware site. That connection was, eventually, getting blocked but the blocking action stopped me from normal internet use.

    I couldn't remove the problem because it wasn't inside my computer. Because this computer is just for internet use I formatted it and started again, all to no avail because I didn't clear the modem.

    Eventually I got a new more secure modem but that still occasionally has problems so when that occurs I have to reset it to factory settings and reinstall my internet connection.

    One common source for this malware is genuine looking downloads which often appear above the real thing after a search on Google or other search engines. You get the required download plus a little extra which hacks your modem.

    A search for Removing rdssrv and other malware brought a lot of information to my notice; although much of the replies are about downloading anti malware software which isn't actually as good as Malwarebytes.

    ps. I found an excellent advert blocker called Adblock Plus. It is free, but accepts donations. I was so pleased with the results I sent then $10 and think it was money well spent.

  13. #13

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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    Looks like mentioning rdsrv has started things off again. Mouse clicking is attempting to redirect to one of those malware sites; but it is being blocked which results in a screen 'jump' before connection is resumed. So I'm off to do another modem reset.

  14. #14

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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    Adobe Photo Downloader is a routine called by Adobe Bridge when you click File > Get Photos from Camera.
    I use Photoshop CC (2015). Not sure if earlier versions had the downloader set up differently.

  15. #15

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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    [QUOTE=rpcrowe;533597]I really prefer to open my images from my card reader using Bridge - > file > get photos from camera

    Richard, I think that this quite a hard way of transferring pics; I long ago moved to using Windows instead. Open My Computer twice, and in the first window, navigate to the card. In the second, navigate to the destination folder. Going to the card, Select All the images(Ctrl+A), and Copy(Ctrl+C) to the destination folder and Paste(Ctrl+V). Then fire up Bridge, and Browse the destination folder.

    It takes longer to describe than to do

  16. #16

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    Re: My Bridge is acting up again

    Once you get Bridge set up and use the same main destination folder each time that is just a couple of clicks.

    Get Photos from camera - select camera - click on download. All done; and it even converts Raw to DNG automatically if that is your choice.

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