I really prefer to open my images from my card reader using Bridge - > file > get photos from camera
Lately it has been taking an inordinate amount of time to open.
Sometimes after a several minute wait with the hour glass appearing I use Control/Alternate/Delete. Sometimes the hour glass symbol doesn't appear and the cursor arrow remains. Or I close Bridge by clicking the X in the upper right corner.
this gives me the message:
Adobe Bridge Is Not Responding
Check for solution and close program
Close program
Wait for program to respond
BTW: I have tried several different card readers.
I cannot open my images using Bridge> File> Open because Open is grayed out.
The only way that I can open my images is through Photoshop CS6 using File> open and searching for my images on the memory card.
My Adobe Bridge seems to work fine in all aspects except originally opening the images from the memory card.
This is really screwing up my work flow and it has become a PITA.
Is this a ploy by Adobe to force me to convert to Photoshop CC. They have done other nefarious things to convince me to convert to Photoshop CC such as this ad which is now appearing on my Flickr account...
It appears that there are only two choices: click the blue triangle to the right of "Creative Cloud Photography Plan" or Click on the blue box "Learn More"
Clicking on the x at the upper right corner to close out this ad brings me back to the original ad box
And so on - round and round.
My head is swimming. I was notified that I needed to upgrade my Adobe programs. I tried to do this but, ended up with the following notice.
I have never heard of this program nor do I know how to close it down. My head is swimming and I am getting flustered. I wish to hell that I was not married to Adobe because I'd like a divorce!