Kathy I like it as well! I might lighten up the left corner just a tad if it were mine, just to give a bit more definition but otherwise I wouldn't change a thing.
Last edited by Kathy O; 15th July 2015 at 11:20 AM.
Nicely done, agree about the shadowy area, wouldn't have known there were cows if I didn't pixel peep.
I like this too Kathy. My only suggestion would be to consider cropping the top down to about halfway across the sun so that more emphasis is given to the barn animals and grass. But you might disagree !
What a beautiful shot, Kathy...use the adjustment brush in ACR or the dodge tool in Photoshop to lighten those corners selectively. Just a thought...
Thank you all for your suggestions, I agree about that corner . . . It is something I will go back and work on and see if I can get it to look the way I wan't it to. Your suggestions are so appreciated.
I always say that foggy scenes need some sort of 'reference point' otherwise they just look out of focus instead of being obviously foggy; and in this case that foreground post works perfectly.
Yes, possibly selectively lighten the shadows but be careful!
Too often, brightening shadows just produces a muddy looking slightly lighter brownish effect. In those cases, I prefer having the stronger cleaner deep shadows.
I did try to work with this corner to lighten up the shadows and that is exactly what happened, it took on a muddy look and I didn't like it at all . . . so I quit messing with it and left it as is. Thank you for the nice compliments, the photo kind of took on a painted look -- a look that you either like or you don't like.