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Thread: CiC self portraits

  1. #21

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    Re: CiC self portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    We've got our version of that as well - except he doesn't seem to involve sheep ... or bikes!! Strange!. Have a look
    Argh - my eyes - my eyes - I'm blinded! - scarred for life!

  2. #22

    Re: CiC self portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Rob this is starting to read like a script from the League of Gentlemen. Whilst Donald, Dave and I may understand (well nod sadly) our friends from other parts of the world probably need some explanation
    Don't talk to me about the league of Gentlemen. My bike ride today started in Llandewi Brefi ('the last gay in the village'). I kid you not. At least they have replaced the town signs that had been stolen by fans.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Language: English with no vowels. Only spoken when an Englishman is present
    What do you mean? Ethos y Coleg yw darparu ystod mor eang o gyfleoedd dysgu addysg bellach ac uwch â phosibl i ddiwallu anghenion a dyheadau unigolion a’r gymuned ehangach gan gynnwys cyflogwyr a’u gweithwyr. Ein nod yw helpu myfyrwyr ennill y sgiliau, y wybodaeth a’r cymwysterau sydd eisiau arnyn nhw i’w helpu nhw i symud ymlaen i’r dyfodol gyda hyder, boed i’r myfyrwyr fod yn gadael yr ysgol, chwilio am waith, ailhyfforddi am swydd newydd, datblygu gyrfa neu ddychwelyd i addysg am ddechrau newydd mewn bywyd.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Border Control: Unknown. Couldn't understand what the sign said so drove straight past the sheep in Idi Amin's uniform
    I think it's called the Severn Bridge (you have to pay)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Imports; Englishmen and hippies
    No, that should be hippies, hippies, and yet more hippies. there are also quite a few photographers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Famous People; Griff Rhys Jones
    Ahem! Shirley Bassey, Tom Jones, Douglas Hurd (they said he was a dead sheep). Anthony Hopkins, the man who invented the '=' sign, Richard Burton, Manic Street Preachers, Johnny Morris, Spencer Davis, Michael Hesletine, Steve Jones...

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Flora: Leeks
    Cannabis for the many hippies.

  3. #23
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: CiC self portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Ethos y Coleg yw darparu ystod mor eang o gyfleoedd dysgu addysg bellach ac uwch â phosibl i ddiwallu anghenion a dyheadau unigolion a’r gymuned ehangach gan gynnwys cyflogwyr a’u gweithwyr. Ein nod yw helpu myfyrwyr ennill y sgiliau, y wybodaeth a’r cymwysterau sydd eisiau arnyn nhw i’w helpu nhw i symud ymlaen i’r dyfodol gyda hyder, boed i’r myfyrwyr fod yn gadael yr ysgol, chwilio am waith, ailhyfforddi am swydd newydd, datblygu gyrfa neu ddychwelyd i addysg am ddechrau newydd mewn bywyd.
    Of course. You'd hardly be helping them to move backwards into the past, now, would you?

  4. #24

    Re: CiC self portraits

    Ethos y Coleg yw darparu ystod mor eang o gyfleoedd dysgu addysg bellach ac uwch â phosibl i ddiwallu anghenion a dyheadau unigolion a’r gymuned ehangach gan gynnwys cyflogwyr a’u gweithwyr. Ein nod yw helpu myfyrwyr ennill y sgiliau, y wybodaeth a’r cymwysterau sydd eisiau arnyn nhw i’w helpu nhw i symud ymlaen i’r dyfodol gyda hyder, boed i’r myfyrwyr fod yn gadael yr ysgol, chwilio am waith, ailhyfforddi am swydd newydd, datblygu gyrfa neu ddychwelyd i addysg am ddechrau newydd mewn bywyd.
    Translation: "Beware of the Sheep"

  5. #25
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: CiC self portraits

    I think it's called the Severn Bridge (you have to pay)
    I think you only have to pay to get out, or is that Cornwall. I cannot say I like Wales where the pubs close early and no petrol stations are open on Sundays, well it is a long time since I've been in a private vehicle, ever since one of the boys in blue pulled me up in Aberystwyth to tell me my tail light was broken; yes you guessed it wasn't broken until he touched it with his truncheon.

    But when I was driving an artic it looked very nice if a bit too sleepy, impressive landscape.

  6. #26

    Re: CiC self portraits

    I know I have posted this before. But you can't have too much of sheep. Can you?

    CiC self portraits

  7. #27
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: CiC self portraits

    Wales is finally twinned with New Zealand
    Good job we both speak the same language, then, isn't it?

  8. #28

    Re: CiC self portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by Klickit View Post
    Good job we both speak the same language, then, isn't it?
    Mae'r adran hon yn cynnwys gwybodaeth ar wasanaethau megis cofrestru genedigaethau a marwolaethau, ceisio am dŷ Cyngor, sut i fyw bywyd iach, a diogelwch cymunedol.

  9. #29
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    Re: CiC self portraits

    You guys are a blast!

  10. #30
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    Re: CiC self portraits

    I don't understand a word of this but then I'm english. Some say I originated from Wales but my ancestors probably came from Poland, I hope.
    If I was forced to make a choice between being Welsh and a New Zealander I think I would choose New Zealand, they have definitely got a much better football side than the Welsh or english.
    Besides, I can't stand male voice choir's and I'm dyslexic.

  11. #31

    Re: CiC self portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    ... they have definitely got a much better football side than the Welsh or English.
    Q: What do the England World Cup team and a flock of Welsh sheep have in common?

    A: A strong desire to commit suicide...

  12. #32
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    Re: CiC self portraits

    I don't understand why the media portray english footballers as best in the world where clearly if they were teams would be full of them. I don't use capital E for english since england doesn't really exist except in a second rate football team.

    We had a good player once but he used to practise and how much fun is that when you have to find ways of spending hundreds of thousands a week.

    I think an english Chelsea footballer summed it up when he said; ' the foreign players attended the Christmas party, but only had an orange juice and left early'. I think they think training more important than fun.

  13. #33

    Re: CiC self portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    I don't understand why the media portray english footballers as best in the world where clearly if they were teams would be full of them. I don't use capital E for english since england doesn't really exist except in a second rate football team.

    We had a good player once but he used to practise and how much fun is that when you have to find ways of spending hundreds of thousands a week.

    I think an english Chelsea footballer summed it up when he said; ' the foreign players attended the Christmas party, but only had an orange juice and left early'. I think they think training more important than fun.
    OK, two reasons why eNGLAND are rubbish.

    1. Foreign players make up a large part of the eNGLISH home teams, and they obviously can't play for the home nation side in international games. To make matters worse they fly home and play for their own home nations.

    3. The players have (as you pointed out) a total lack of professional objective. Most of them seem to be too preoccupied with what colour leather seats they will have in their next Aston Martin, or what size swimming pool to have in their Cheshire mansion. I think they need some performance related rewards instead of being paid several millions a year each by clubs stuffed to the gills with hard-earnt supporters cash.

    I don't even like football...

  14. #34
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    Re: CiC self portraits

    I used to like football when they had players like Zinedine Zidane, Eto' is good as is Edu but non are eNGLISH. David Beckham is the only one that came close to being good, I don't rate any of the current lot as any good, some come close like Gerard but that is not good enough. I don't like football and was made to play Rugby at school, which I didn't like either.

  15. #35

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    Re: CiC self portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    I think I would choose New Zealand, they have definitely got a much better football side than the Welsh or english.
    Hmmm - Better Rugby team perhaps, dunno about football (which we call soccer).

  16. #36

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    Re: CiC self portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    was made to play Rugby at school, which I didn't like either.
    Sounds like me at high school. I think I only ever played one game -- was passed the pass just the one -- stood there with that "rabbit frozen in the headlights look" -- had the ball snatched from my grasp -- and that was the end of it. Come to think of it, exactly the same thing happened in basketball. And I couldn't catch in softball.

    Somehow I don't think I was ever cut out for a career in pro sports!

  17. #37
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    Re: CiC self portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Sounds like me at high school. I think I only ever played one game -- was passed the pass just the one -- stood there with that "rabbit frozen in the headlights look" -- had the ball snatched from my grasp -- and that was the end of it. Come to think of it, exactly the same thing happened in basketball. And I couldn't catch in softball.

    Somehow I don't think I was ever cut out for a career in pro sports!
    I think it was the Heads warped sense of humour, I was a first former put up against 6G just so they could practise making an in-print of me in the turf, and they always passed me the ball which I would quickly pass back or kick away, but they still pounced on me.

    I think the head said; 'it is character building boy'.

  18. #38
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: CiC self portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Sounds like me at high school. I think I only ever played one game -- was passed the pass just the one -- stood there with that "rabbit frozen in the headlights look" -- had the ball snatched from my grasp -- and that was the end of it. Come to think of it, exactly the same thing happened in basketball. And I couldn't catch in softball.

    Somehow I don't think I was ever cut out for a career in pro sports!
    I couldn't catch either, mainly because we weren't allowed to wear glasses on the field, for obvious reasons, and without my glasses, I always saw two distinct balls coming at me. What to do? Which one to catch? Oh, the decisions.
    As a result, I was always a proud member of the "F" team. Did lots of sitting on the sidelines with the other F-bunnies, waiting for turns that never came.

  19. #39

    Re: CiC self portraits

    Can anyone remember what this thread is about? Or which idiot started it.

  20. #40

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    Re: CiC self portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Can anyone remember what this thread is about?
    Sheep I think!

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