Originally Posted by
William W
Regarding reworked Image #3 (post #35):
My thoughts:
5. The rework of Image #3 exacerbates the particular problem of the lighting, an expanded commentary and PP options for consideration are below.
6. The rework introduced (or re-introduced) a Blue Cast.
One of the (technical) considerations with Image #3 is the Face being in Soft Shadow.
The fortunate element is that, because is a SOFT shadow, Post Production can be (more easily) used to give the illusion of a Fill Light (arguably more easily than of the face were in HARD Shadow).
There are a few methods, I tend to use Dodging and Burning (I guess because I learned in a Darkroom) and where necessary, localized Cloning.
Also I perceive a definite BLUE Cast in rework Image #3 and this is indicative of the shot being made under CLOUD COVER and is evidenced by the WHITE top, not being white.
Also noted is that the ‘cloud cover’ blue cast often plays a little havoc with Caucasian Skin Tones, especially those which are ‘peaches and cream’ or 'slightly tanned', rendering those lighter skin tones appearing ‘dirty’ or ‘dusty’ – and that’s exactly what I see on our Studio Monitor.
Below is a quick and rough indicative A/B using Photoshop –
1. OVERALL Expand Dynamic Range
2. Re-work on the face ONLY - Dodging and localized Cloning to remove the shadows under the eyes; lighten portions of the hair
3. OVERALL Colour Balance to remove Blue Cast (3 Sliders – Shadow/Mid/High)
A) The expanding overall DR and Colour Correction has dramatic effect on middle ground grass
B) Obviously, ONLY the localized work on the face and the Colour Corrections could be done, (excluding the increase in DR), which would keep the ‘dark and ominous’ feel. to the background template and the subsequent general drama to the image.