I just found this, I made it a while ago to show (another member here) how "dead on" White Balance, for most of our Photography, is not really ever used.
These are three frames made of the same area of garden in Sydney AUS in dappled light, (but the flowers are mainly in open shade) made in wintertime at around midday:
Frame 01 is the JPEG SOOC with Auto White Balance initiated: the image would be pleasing to most Viewer's Eyes, it is nice and warm and the flowers appear rich and healthy.
Frame 02, I dumped a Standard Reference Card in the centre of the frame.
Frame 03 is an A/B comparison and contrast between the AWB shot and the manually corrected to very close to 'dead-on' White Balance using the reference card at source.
Most people who have seen this set (and there have been many) prefer the AWB version, which of course has a totally "wrong" White Balance.
The interesting thing is, I have done similar experiments with Students, (i.e. we go shoot flowers in the winter time) and one reason for doing that is, the flowers, in situ, appear quite lush and rich, but they are not rendered so when there is a reference card used and standardized PP is employed. In situ, the brain interprets that the flowers should be nice to look at, so that's how we 'see' them.