Too many beautiful things to look at here and photograph...Very nice place...
It is the most beautiful place I've ever been to Izzie; the 1A bus from Schottentor to Stephansplatz the most beautiful bus route in the world. It was 100 iso by the way, I forgot it above and are very surprised that there isn't much camera shake.
Cheers John.
I looked at this shot again and noticed your comment that saysAm I misreading this? Correct me if I am wrong, as far as I know the IS is either on camera (e.g. Olympus) or on the lens (e.g., Nikon) I used to own an Olympus that is why I know...and a habit...I turn off IS when my camera is on a tripod...just what I know hence do.1/6 f4 @70mm no IS on a monopod.
I am not picking on you...just commenting...
Very old lens Izzie. 70-200mm Canon f4 without IS. When I bought it I didn't see the use of IS since it was bought to capture distant fast moving objects, how wrong I was.