After so much hassle over the years with Adobe's Updating and Help Desk, it was extremely refreshing to contact Google about uploading NIK Software to my wife's computer (I am allowed to have copies on two computers).
I didn't realize how much I rely on NIK these days and how much the plug-ins speed up my workflow.
It was a pleasure to work with the Google technician. First of all, I got a call back from Google moments after I entered my phone number for the return call. I was hesitant to do this since I once had Adobe return my call. When I did that, my phone rang but, there way no one on the line. I hung up and the phone rang again - still no one. I kept hanging up and receiving the phone call. I couldn't reach adobe on the Internet. The only way I got it to quit was to call a sales rep in San Francisco (Friday late afternoon - no on at any other Adobe number).
She emailed India and the phone stopped ringing. Of course, my original problem wasn't solved.
The NIK Google help desk technician lead me through the entire procedure and he spoke English as his native language!
He was efficient and competent.
They even had my application from 2013 on file. Adobe lost my Photoshop CS5 one time and could not find my original application.
Anyway, NIK is running flawlessly on my wife's computer.