I’m not really a flower shooter. And if time permits and I can get some bloomers I’m going to reconfirm why!
But I’ve seen a discussion or two here about shooting flowers and lighting regarding said. Since I’m always interested in lighting I thought I might ought to have a go at some lighting ideas. Namely in this case, back-lighting flowers.
So one of the first things I wanted to do was a light paint and see how that played.
For this shot I set two diffusion panels. They were very inexpensive foam squares (12” square x 1/8” thich) available at craft stores. I wanted to mention this because this is a very fun low budget shoot. They were dead close and at 90* from each other set askew with the corner of this 90* set at about 45* from dead on if that makes any sense. Rather than paint the flower directly I painted the screens from behind. I have never seen anything like this written about so I was kind of shooting from the hip here! Lots of cool possibilities here. From behind, bouncing, fun stuff!
Anyway, I’ll break it down:
2 second shutter
ISO 100
100mm Macro
Dark Studio (Which means I tripped over everything in between shots!)
One shot, one frame.
The light source was a Mini-Mag hand-held flashlight (um, hand torch for my overseas Friends) that is somewhat adjustable and focusable. And they too are relatively inexpensive which went with my low-budget approach for this shot.
It took a lot of shots to get what I wanted as an effective painting technique for the subject.