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Thread: Crown Golden Ale

  1. #21

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    Re: Crown Golden Ale

    Binnur, Peter, Chris.

    Thank you all for looking and taking the time to comment.

  2. #22

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    Re: Crown Golden Ale

    I'm just full of admiration, both for the result and for the amount of work needed to produce such an effective result. As an image IMHO, it would sell.

  3. #23

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    Re: Crown Golden Ale

    I like the addition of the water because it provides helpful context. However, if the idea is that the ice is on the tabletop because the bottle has been removed from a cooler of ice and some pieces got transferred from that cooler, I think the pieces would be much smaller.

    You're right that I can make my own snoots for use with either a continuous lamp or a speedlight. However, the projection light with a lens and built-in gobos that adjust the size and shape of the light falling on the subject would be ideal. Not so ideal that I'm willing to pay the thousands of dollars I now realize that unit will cost.

  4. #24

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    Re: Crown Golden Ale

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    You're right that I can make my own snoots for use with either a continuous lamp or a speedlight. However, the projection light with a lens and built-in gobos that adjust the size and shape of the light falling on the subject would be ideal. Not so ideal that I'm willing to pay the thousands of dollars I now realize that unit will cost.
    No need to pay thousands of dollars, comparable fixtures in continuous lighting format without the photography branding are as common as muck. The next time you go to a museum or gallery look up, the lamps lighting those pieces in front of you from above are focusable fixtures, there are millions of them on the planet

    A cheap Fresnel with barn doors might even work as you don't need the second lens to achieve sharp focus. The ability to increase/decrease beam diameter with soft edges and barn doors may be enough.

  5. #25

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    Re: Crown Golden Ale

    Quote Originally Posted by John 2 View Post
    I'm just full of admiration, both for the result and for the amount of work needed to produce such an effective result. As an image IMHO, it would sell.
    Thanks John,
    I would love to sell these images but I suspect your average marketing exec would need way more than the one bottle of Golden Ale to seal the deal

  6. #26

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    Re: Crown Golden Ale

    Thanks for that info, Robbie. I'll look into it.

  7. #27
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: Crown Golden Ale

    I looked at your shot and immediately thought 'Hey, I've got some beer in the 'fridge, I can make a photo just like this since it's humid today. It'll 'sweat' just perfectly.'
    Then I saw your photo of your set up. It was worth a thousand words as they say since I had no idea what you were describing in your write up.
    Thank you for the photo, and, no, I can't do that.
    Nicely done. Again, thanks for the set up photo.

  8. #28
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Crown Golden Ale

    Sorry Robbie...I am late to this post...I saved a link so I can look it up this afternoon in my break and I am very much impressed!!! Very, very good shot! VicBitters will be envious!! And thanks for the links. I've been collecting some bottles of grog upstairs in my studio but didn't know how to really photograph them...I hope to learn something from this, so I am putting this link to your post in my drafts folder until I learn how to make as good a shot as this me -- you've just peaked my interest on how to use that little crawling space I like to call "my studio"...what a hoot! Well done, laddie!

  9. #29

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    Re: Crown Golden Ale

    Thanks Izzie,
    I am thrilled that I have inspired you to give it a crack, I was motivated to make this shot and the Etched Glass shot by Mike and Terry's awesome work, make sure you go through their threads you will learn a heap.

  10. #30

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    Re: Crown Golden Ale

    I am glad the BTS image helped you visualise the scene. Thanks for taking the time to have a look and post a comment

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