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Thread: Workflow between LR and PS

  1. #1

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    Workflow between LR and PS

    I remember reading on this forum on some suggested workflows when bouncing from Lightroom to/from Photoshop but can't find it.
    I've been trying to do more post processing and looking for some recommendations on how to process utilizing the two tools.
    Such as white balance in LR, touch up in PS, etc.
    I've been doing outdoor portraits and looking to streamline this a little better.

  2. #2

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    Re: Workflow between LR and PS

    FWIW...I never go back and forth but, do open as smart object in PS to make adjustments as hindsight.

  3. #3

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    Re: Workflow between LR and PS

    Which Photoshop?

    Lightroom came to me as an unwelcome addition to Adobe Photoshop CC and I still can't find any use for it, but I haven't got around to removing it.

    I shoot Raw and do the initial editing using Adobe ACR then finish with CC. Nice and easy and does everything that could also be done in Lightroom; particularly with the extra Bridge plugin.

  4. #4
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Workflow between LR and PS

    Well, Geoff, I got PS as an unnecessary addition to Lightroom, and I can't find much use for it either

    Either way, the Photographers' Bundle is a great deal!


  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Workflow between LR and PS

    I do everything I can in LR, for several reasons. It is nondestructive, doesn't litter my disk with large files, has good cataloging functions, and has excellent output (screen and print) modules. ACR would accomplish exactly the same things, other than the cataloging and output modules, because it is the same processing engine. I find that a substantial portion of my images don't need anything more than LR. If I need what PS provides, or things that it does better than LR, I export to PS using the 'edit in' menu in LR, and when I save the edited image in PS, it appears in LR as well. I then either export to the web or print from LR.

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Workflow between LR and PS

    First of all Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) and the Lightroom (LR) Develop Module are identical, apart from the user interface, so which ever one you want to use as a raw converter, you will be using the same "engine" to do the parametric edits.

    There is no "back and forth" with Photoshop with either ACR or LR; it's a one-way street. You do the parametric edit in one of these tools and do your pixel based edits in Photoshop. Lightroom lets you store your edits in either the LR catalog or as an Adobe dng file whereas ACR lets you output your edits to either a xmp sidecar file (which preserves your raw file) or as an Adobe dng file. Photoshop can read both the raw+xmp or dng files, but the only way to access the data in the LR catalog is to open Photoshop through LR ("<ctrl> e" on Windows or "<cmd> e" on a Mac).

    One Photoshop has been used, the edits are stored in either a Photoshop Document (psd) file or for very large files as psb file. If you open the original raw, dng or LR catalog files, none of your Photoshop edits will be there (of course you might want to do this).

    In LR or ACR, this is where you generally do your "global" adjustments, especially your white balance, as this parameter gets "baked in" when you move your edit over to Photoshop. I also assign the color space and bit rate I will use in Photoshop. While LR lets you do area specific edits, I prefer do all of these in Photoshop. I also do my import sharpening and noise reduction (if required) in Photoshop, not in ACR / LR because there are more options in Photoshop.

    Regardless of what you do, you should develop a consistent workflow. You'll find that your edits get done more quickly and accurately when you do this.

  7. #7
    DanK's Avatar
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    Workflow between LR and PS

    Lightroom also lets you store the edits in an xmp sidecar file alongside the raw file. I always do that.

  8. #8
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: Workflow between LR and PS

    Actually, there is a somewhat limited “kind of” back and forth between PS and ACR not counting Smart Objects.

    It is found in the Camera Raw Filter of PS CC and can be used anytime in the pixel-based workflow. It is, in my view, one of the best and most useful relatively new (a couple of years old now) features of CC (it is unavailable in earlier versions) and is awesome when used in conjunction with layers. It can even be used as a Smart Object.

    I have no idea if this is available for PS CC/Lightroom since I don’t use it, but I’ve never heard that it is.

  9. #9
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Workflow between LR and PS

    My work flow is about the same as Dan's.

    Import from the camera into lightroom, add labels(key words), develop what interests me, only use photoshop 6 if needed for fine adjustments, cloning or text etc, save on closing edit. Return to lightroom for final crop and/or export.

    P.S. From an edit point of view I could manage without lightroom if I had too, but from an image management point of view I would hate to be without lightroom.
    Last edited by pnodrog; 7th August 2015 at 06:53 AM.

  10. #10

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    Re: Workflow between LR and PS

    I've been a dyed in the wool Photoshop proponent but have been learning some stuff with Lightroom and it's getting some serious power. I don't like not making actual changes to the pictures. But if layers are not needed and pixel level work is not needed then Lightroom is a good tool.
    WorkFlow - pictures from the camera into the PC with Lightroom- rename and store with copies - make group changes and rate the individual pictures while adding key words for possible use later. Make small copies and such. Any picture that needs pixel level work goes to Photoshop. Although most of the file handling I need is easier with Adobe Bridge.

  11. #11
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Workflow between LR and PS

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Lightroom also lets you store the edits in an xmp sidecar file alongside the raw file. I always do that.
    Thanks - That doesn't surprise me, but I use LR so rarely, I've never run across that.

  12. #12

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    Re: Workflow between LR and PS

    Terry mentioned Smart Objects. That is something I use quite often.

    Mainly to create a form of 'mock HDR' by using two, or more, different Raw edits in ACR and then combining them using layers and masks in CC.

    Create the first Raw conversion as a Smart Object. Create a duplicate layer. Double clicking that layer takes you back to ACR for more edits as required. You can keep returning to ACR to rework on either the original or duplicate layer as often as you wish.

    I find using Bridge in CC or the previous CS versions can do all the cataloging and search/recovery of files and folders that I need. And once you get use to doing this, it becomes very simple and effective to use.

  13. #13
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Workflow between LR and PS

    Also, it's worth noting that you can use LR to edit the product returned by PS if you want to. You aren't returning to the raw fil, of course; you are just making non-destructive changes to the TIF or PSD file that PS has produced. I find this useful sometimes, particularly since I export and print from LR. To give a trivial example, there is no reason to go back to PS to re-crop.

  14. #14
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: Workflow between LR and PS

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Also, it's worth noting that you can use LR to edit the product returned by PS if you want to. You aren't returning to the raw fil, of course; you are just making non-destructive changes to the TIF or PSD file that PS has produced. I find this useful sometimes, particularly since I export and print from LR. To give a trivial example, there is no reason to go back to PS to re-crop.
    It may also be worth noting in conjunction with this that you can’t save those changes made in LR/ACR to a layered .psd/.tif file after re-visiting to LR/ACR. Note worthy because not understanding this can get one into trouble if one needs/wants to ultimately save a layered .psd/.tif file. LR/ACR cannot interpret layers built in PS and cannot save these changes to a layered file.

    LR/ACR uses a flattened composite interpretation of the layers of the .psd/.tif file when you go back into LR/ACR to make adjustments. Said adjustments are XMP based and added only to the flattened interpretation rather than to the original layered file.

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