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Thread: Down The Hall Darkly C&C Welcomed

  1. #1

    Down The Hall Darkly C&C Welcomed

    This was the hotel I stayed at in San Miguel de Allende, Hacienda de Guadalupe. To the left, behind the columns is a bar which sits beneath an atrium, as a result there are some blown highlights there but personally, I can live with it as it clearly shows how much light comes down into what would otherwise be a dark bar. I have a couple of variations from this perspective but I like this one the best, mostly because of the two people in the distance.

    Down The Hall Darkly  C&C Welcomed

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Down The Hall Darkly C&C Welcomed

    Nice capture of the perspective of the room.

  3. #3
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: Down The Hall Darkly C&C Welcomed

    Hi Jack!

    This looks like a cool place to hang out and imbibe in a libation or three!

    You know man? I didn’t notice so much blown highlights as I did clipped shadows in this shot.

    But here is something that jumped right out at me as I opened your shot. You may or may not find this of interest or even care for that matter! There is some serious distortion going on here that the eye wouldn't perceive when looking at the scene. The biggie, of course, is in the tiled floor as it gets closer to your PoV and made very noticeable because of the grout lines (those going left to right in frame) in the tile.

    Here is a quickie B&A illustration of what I am referring to. Still not exact of course (quickie!) but hopefully illustrates the gist. The adjusting soaked up some of the real estate because of some necessary cropping. So if one were interested in this kind of adjustment in post then best to do it before any cropping (that is if you even did any).

    Anyway, just a Theory Jack!

    Down The Hall Darkly  C&C Welcomed

  4. #4
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Down The Hall Darkly C&C Welcomed

    You caught that quick, Terry...I was wondering why the floor is going to the right too so I intended to ask Jack if he will care to straighten it upwards with the perspective tool...wide angle lenses seems to do that to some of my shots and when it is a person shot, either the legs or the arms are wider...

    Anyway, I like what I see here, clean floors, the view, sharpness and composition, Jack...shoulda' used the grid when cropping or the measure tool. The two men at the end of this image rightly shows how big this place you have other shots from your vacation at Cancun? Did you take Boo Doo?

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Down The Hall Darkly C&C Welcomed

    Hi Jack,

    The odd lines of perspective were the first things to grab my attention too.

    Personally, I would rotate the shot to get the distant arches sides vertical, then do whatever else is necessary to straighten other elements. In the original; the columns on left seem vertical, and they should be for the image to work, but the door frames on the right, in addition to distant arches, slightly lean to the right. The floor tile grout lines are a 'complication', but less important.

    I'd have thought there might be some detail recoverable from the highlights bright atrium/bar, but as you say, it is not a large area of the image - if anything, the brightness of the area to left of first column looks unnaturally dim to my eyes - I might try brightening that if the shot were mine, regardless whether it really was that dim (because not under the atrium), it looks so different to what's to the right of first column.

    I did wonder about suggesting cropping the left bit off, but I think it does balance the composition and tells us more about the location.

    I hope my thoughts are helpful, Dave

  6. #6

    Re: Down The Hall Darkly C&C Welcomed

    Thanks John.

  7. #7

    Re: Down The Hall Darkly C&C Welcomed

    Terry, Izzie and Dave;
    Thank you all for looking and commenting.
    First thing you should know is I took this with phone camera, so distirtion seems to be an android thing here. Secondly I did do some tweaking to plumb up the columns. I will go back in and see if I can address the issues you' ve pointed out (not hoping for much but will see what I can do.)
    Dave, I can try to brighten the area you mentioned, but it was dark relative to the atium lit bar.
    Izze, didn' t go to Cancun, was in Mexico City. Couldn't take Boodoo, instead she spent a week at doggy summer camp in PA swimming, tanning and getting spa treatments daily.

  8. #8
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Down The Hall Darkly C&C Welcomed

    Quote Originally Posted by flashback View Post
    Terry, Izzie and Dave;
    Thank you all for looking and commenting.
    First thing you should know is I took this with phone camera, so distortion seems to be an android thing here. Secondly I did do some tweaking to plumb up the columns. I will go back in and see if I can address the issues you' ve pointed out (not hoping for much but will see what I can do.)
    Dave, I can try to brighten the area you mentioned, but it was dark relative to the atrium lit bar.
    Izzie, didn't go to Cancun, was in Mexico City. Couldn't take Boodoo, instead she spent a week at doggy summer camp in PA swimming, tanning and getting spa treatments daily.
    Poor doggie...getting too spoiled...she should have strutted her stuff when she saw you... Hey Dad...look how pretty I am...

  9. #9
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Down The Hall Darkly C&C Welcomed

    Unlike Dave, I would crop some from the left, at the left edge of the left-most column or somewhere in the column. The detail to the left of the column is not relevant and immediately drew my eye, distracting me from the main idea of the photo.

  10. #10

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    Re: Down The Hall Darkly C&C Welcomed

    Hi Jack I like the image and I agree with Dan about cropping the image from the LHS.

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