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Thread: S h y n e

  1. #1
    richard amora's Avatar
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    richard noel amora

    S h y n e

    Hello to all! i would just like to share some photos that i took of my friend recently on a funshoot

    S h y n e

    S h y n e

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Chandigarh, India
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    Sahil Jain

    Re: S h y n e

    Love your portraits, Richard. #1 really looks dynamic and # 2 has a dreamy sense to it.

  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: S h y n e

    Very, very impressive, Richard.

    In the second one, did you consider cloning out the two strands of grass that from a 'V' shape just in front of her?

  4. #4

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    Re: S h y n e

    Hi, Richard;

    Very nice shots, and #1 is absolutely brilliant: a wonderful shot, very dramatic.


  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: S h y n e

    I agree with the others, these are impressive work.

    I am curious about the background in #1 though, is that natural, or Photoshopped?
    I am struggling to imagine what might produce that kind of background; fairground/amusements?

    Not that I'll be complaining if it is photoshopped, the end result is what matters and it is a very striking image, well, they both are, well done,

  6. #6
    richard amora's Avatar
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    richard noel amora

    Re: S h y n e

    Hello to all! Thank you very much for appreciating the concept and the output of the photos as well it means so much for a novice like me and coming from the masters of all of you. the photoshoot was actually very fun and i hope it really did show in the photos' outcome.

    and for the inquiries and sguggestions here are my replies.

    1.) On the first photo, the swirling lights was actually photoshopped and it wasnt present when the photo was taken. The only light that we use was a single YN460 flash at the right back part of the SHYNE. The light was just reflected wit a circular silver reflector on the front left part of SHYNE.

    2.) I would love to clone out the V grass formation in front of SHYNE however i fear that my PS skills is still not that good and it may ruin the final outcome, so I stick with the original blurring.

    Most of the techniques that i use was based on your suggestions all through out in this forum, I can never say enough thank you to all the knwledge that i gained from you guys! again thank you100x

  7. #7

    Re: S h y n e

    The 1st one is my favorite. Thanks for sharing how you finished it.

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