11th August 2015, 07:17 PM
11th August 2015, 07:37 PM
Re: Minimalism
I love the idea.
With something like this I think composition is all - beginning, middle and end. I think the composition has to be on-the-nail because there is little else to carry the image. And that is why I think the second one, with the two people, is an absolute beauty, but am not sure that the other two work as well as they could.
Why? Because the positioning of the people in the frame in the second one, is, in my opinion, spot-on. The image feels as if it has a balance; a harmony. I don't feel that with the other two. The two shrubs feel as if they're a bit lost in all that space. As if they're not sure where they should be. They straddle the centre horizontal and I don't think that works.
I'm not sure how you could get the tree shadow to work better. Cropping it just at the base of the trunk and then cloning the shadow of the branch that then touches the top edge does, perhaps, strengthen it. But I don't know is that much manipulation would be allowed in the competition.
Just some thoughts and ideas.
11th August 2015, 08:30 PM
11th August 2015, 08:39 PM
Re: Minimalism
The three work really well as a set. Very cleverly devised! Unless the particular color is important to you, it would also work well as a monochrome set.
11th August 2015, 10:04 PM
Re: Minimalism
Thanks for the comments.
Mike I will explore a version in mono.
Donald, you are absolutely right about the bushes. It's a classic for the rule of thirds. I don't know what I was thinking of. Not as sure about the shadow. I have cloned out the tree and extended the shadow but I think it's just the weakest of the three in either version.
Minimalism Taking Root v2

Minimalism in Shade v2
11th August 2015, 10:30 PM
Re: Minimalism
I agree that the shadow is the weakest of the three. When you have three similar images, there will probably always be one that is weakest on its own. I do like that you positioned the shadow in between the other two. Having said all that, you might be able to create an image that improves upon the photo of the shadow. If not, the triptych still works very well.
11th August 2015, 10:39 PM
Re: Minimalism
Out of my league John but I find the first one interesting.
12th August 2015, 06:50 AM
Re: Minimalism
Yes. Definitely yes, in my opinion. I think they're now much stronger images. I think the tree shadow works well. Like I already wrote, brilliant idea. I just don't seem to have the imagination to 'see' images like that.
12th August 2015, 06:56 AM
Re: Minimalism
Very cool idea and I agree with Mike, would love to see them as monochrome images.
12th August 2015, 08:14 AM
Re: Minimalism
As a Triptych, I can see the possibilities in #1 and #2...maybe #3, but in that kind of separation into frames, should it be folded or separated on its own? Just curious...what are the rules?? -- should each frame, for instance, be all the same size vertically or is it allowed to be small on each side and the wider one in the middle?
12th August 2015, 09:09 AM
Re: Minimalism
Thanks all for the additional feedback.
Izzie, there are no rules as such. The object is to produce three linked images. The link is up to you. It can be subject matter, colour, Style or even Genre. Judges will look for how original the link is and of course image quality. Some competitions i.e my club, require the three images to be assembled as one projected images (see below). In National and International comps, they can be shown sequentially or even simultaneously using three projector and screens. They don't have to be the same size but the presentation looks better if it is symmetrical. This has been a reasonably successful entry for me in the past:
12th August 2015, 05:11 PM
Re: Minimalism
So then if you are making the images you shared here as a triptych then I will suggest you put #2 on the left, (for the couple moving towards the tree) and either #3 or #1 on each side. Or either #1 and 3 sequencially and the couple shot on the right (for after they moved out of the shade...just a thought...(like as if you need help...)
13th August 2015, 11:38 PM
Re: Minimalism
Thanks Izzie. Not sure what I will do yet. They don't even have to be in a strait line. Needs some thought.
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