As promised. This is a view of the flower, showing only saturation, lighter = more saturated (
not brighter):
The arrow in the petals area is where I put the picker, more or less. In the picked data, as I forecast, RGB green is zero (i.e. bottomed out during conversion). See also that saturation is at 1.000 (100%). In the histogram - which is of saturation, not luminosity - look at the cramming on the right. So the image has lost detail and has false colors. Take a look at those hue values - in HSV/HSB, 323.9 degs is quite a long way away from nominal red (360 degs).
Backing off the saturation a bit (until the greens in the petals just take on a small value) before saving would improve matters. If your favorite working space is ProPhoto, you would never even notice this over-saturation - so you might want to think about viewing in sRGB while editing flowers?
There are several other ways to skin this cat, too . . .