These hooligans are taking over!
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These are a few of my favourite things...
Budapest Tram Rules (incl. "no pole dancing" & "no drinking from the bottle")
Look into the Lion's eyes - pure Evil!
Sue was right... as seen in a Scottish bus stop in a tiny village. Now every one know about Frank!
We are so stupid here we have to have signs telling us how to cross the street. it should say "When hand starts flashing run"
I do like word play, but...
What do you think? Misspelling or implied threat?
Ooops, sorry, this doesn't really belong here (just read your guidelines now). Feel free to put it somewhere else.
Saw this sign the other day. The main industry of the Waikato is dairying, with its high tech dairy farms. These farms are supported by companies in the district with state of the art equipment for processing and packaging of dairy products.;d=1287814425
Heading to the farm this afternon I thought I would add the classic Aussie sign.
I know this is a low quality pic, but I thought I would post it here anyway. I took this a couple of years ago while on a motorcycle ride in my home state of WEST "BYGOD" VIRGINA!!! (West Virginia)
Dont forget this time mark
too much snow perhaps?
Most of the signs we have posted on this thread have been humorous. However this is a sign that is absolutely the opposite and is horribly sad. It advertises a baby that was stolen from its parents on the day before I shot the sign. Child stealing appears to be an endemic problem in China. The sign was posted in a rural area outside the city of Yangshuo. I can just imagine what the baby's frantic parents felt. I just hope they got the baby back but, I am afraid that they probably did not. Apparently the chances of recovering a child stolen in rural China are very slim...
I don't have an image of this but, recently I spotted a sign posted on a McDonald's fast food door stating... "Menus in Braille are available inside" DUH! Do they expect a blind person to read the sign and ask for the Braille menu?