Hello all,
There will be a Partial Luna eclipse (when the full Moon passes through Earth's shadow) this Saturday night (26th June 2010).
It will only be visable from all of New Zealand, the Eastern 2/3 of Australia and parts of the South Pacific. The eclipse times are as follows (shown in NZ time):
Penumbral eclipse begins: 8:56pm (Saturday)
Umbral eclipse begins: 10:17pm
Maximum eclipse: 11:39pm
Umbral eclipse ends: 1:00am (Sunday)
Penumbral eclipse ends: 2:21am
As you can see above, there are two shadows. The Penumbra is the fuzzy edge of the Earth's shadow and the Umbra is the dark central shadow. At maximun eclipse, just over 50% of the Moon's diameter will be inside the Umbra. Although it is not a full eclipse this time, it will still make for some great photo's - weather permitting![]()
Note: The eclipse maybe hard to spot for the first half-hour or so.
To give you a rough idea of what you may see at its peak, I took the photo below a few years ago during a total luna eclipse (although at this stage it was not at its total phase).
When the above shot was taken, the Moon was well over half-way into the umbra (dark central shadow), however due to refracted light from our atmosphere, the Moon still gets some light in the form of a nice red glow.
I hope this post has been of some interest and I look forward to seeing any photo's you may get (if the weather is kind to you)![]()