I had my very first flight in one of those when I was very small - maybe 60 years ago.
They used to offer pleasure flights from the beach at Southport, Lancashire.
Only way to learn is to make an effort. Nice effort.
Googled the registration. It's a Tiger Moth manufactured in 1935. So it's of a good age.
This reminds me; I've got some distant and uncertain images of a yellow one from last week. I will try to edit out something usable tomorrow; and I will particularly look for the registration number.
The image is quite noisy which may have resulted from a high ISO and or underexposure.
However, with a little work, there is a slight improvement...
I did some noise reduction, sharpened the image a bit, boosted the contrast and the saturation.
I don't have an EXIF viewed which will work on this image. I would be interested in learning the ISO, shutter speed and f/stop used for this image.
One problem that could have impacted the noise is that the camera MIGHT have been exposing for the white cloud and the aircraft is back lit. That could have caused some serious underexposure problems. Another parameter which impacts noise is that the image may have been enlarged considerably...
Last edited by rpcrowe; 20th August 2015 at 03:27 AM.