I love 1 & 2.
Actually, I like all of them.
Nice captures, love the background of the first shot.
Great series Graham. 1&2 if I have to choose. They look like they are in a straight jacket when they wrap their wings around themselves - not that I have any first hand experience of straight jackets you understand.
I'm in love with #3 for the in flight capture, lighting and detail in the wings. Stunning!
These are amazing shots! Nice work Graham!
Very nice series Graham,
It allows us to see their wing structure well in #3 and #4.
In #2, I do find the three green blobs on left hard to understand - they don't appear to be joined to anything.
Cheers, Dave
Very nice series Graham.
You had to contend with a difficult background in the first image; but all the others work very well.
Very nice series
Thanks for the comments everyone. I enjoyed the exercise of shooting them. Like all (most?) bats they're active at night when they feed but in daylight hours they settle in colonies in native trees and can be a real pest if they settle near where you live -noisey and smelly. They're fairly large with a wingspan of about 1 metre / 39 inches.
They're close foreground leaves On another bush Dave. Might have to edit them out.
Was up through a very narrow gap in the foliage but it was looking so intently at me I had to get it
I've heard of them going underneath the roof of houses! Yikes! These are big ones! What do you feed them in Queenie, Graham? I thought bats are small creatures. I like #1 for its intensity of the stare...Decided to brave the bat droppings
Great set Graham, I love the flying one.
Those are great pictures. We get them flying around only at night when the trees are flowering so that we hear them but do not see them.
They are fruit eaters Izzie. They eat mangos, bananas, passionfruit, flowers plus the farmer's apples, pears apricots etc so not very popular in the orchard areas. They can also carry a type of virus which can be fatal to humans if you get bitten by one.
This colony is in the Redcliffe Botanical Gardens Tony, very accessible.
Nice set, Graham. The 3rd reminds me a hang-glider. Maybe that was the inspiration for the technology.