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Thread: Zooming Out - Sort of

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
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    Zooming Out - Sort of

    It's pouring with rain this week, so I'm stuck at the computer desk, wondering about this and that. I got to thinking about the Fractal Syndrome which can lead to buying ever-higher MP cameras. That led to thoughts of "getting Fractal" with a mere 4.7MP Sigma DSLR. Which led to doing one of those macro 'what-is-it' games. So, still at the desk with one CFL lamp for lighting, here we go . . . what is it? (try to restrain the urge to quickly scroll down!)

    Zooming Out - Sort of


    A clue . . . .

    Zooming Out - Sort of


    And the answer is . . .

    Zooming Out - Sort of

    An 1876 key-wound, key-set Elgin solid silver pocket watch (over 2-1/2 oz of 900 fine silver; it's heavy!).

    C&C for image quality not invited but other series of shots like this are cordially requested.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2011
    SE Michigan
    Real Name
    wm c boyer

    Re: Zooming Out - Sort of

    I thought a wall clock but not necessarily a watch...we had one in my younger days.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Brisbane, Australia
    Real Name
    Tony Watts

    Re: Zooming Out - Sort of

    I guessed a clock rather than a watch. I have an old one that looks a bit like that. It's genuine electroplated brass but unfortunately doesn't work I think they were meant to be carried in the waistcoat pocket - remember the old self-blessing "wallet, watch, spectacles, . . . "

    It's interesting that there is so much detail in such a small item which looks sort of agricultural at that scale.

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