Nice scene, John. I like the de-saturated look of it, and the sense of light, both contributing to a certain quiet mood. I wonder if the vignette isn't a bit heavy, but I can't be sure that I am not being influenced by fashion, as I read the other day that a white vignette was very 80's-ish, and I confess I squirmed a little, as I use a white vignette not infrequently myself.
This is a very nice scene and I like the colours. It looks to me as though it needs an anti-clockwise rotation.
Also, I wonder whether a more gradual fade into a less strong vignette might look better.
Rotation, no...a little skew would look better. IMHO, vignette is a trifle harsh.
I am still on the fence about the rotation or the straightening but I like your explanation to Janis...I can see what you mean about looking at this shot like as if it is in another dimension or another world...Very good effect. No, do not tighten the vignette...I like the effect you created here after your explanation...
Hi John. It is such a nice image that it might also look good without a vignette or with less vignette. IMO it needs some rotation