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Thread: Canon M3

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Canon M3

    The new Canon M3 looks pretty interesting as a travel camera especially.

    It all depends on the quality of the EVF. I don't like the EVF on my SX50 and hope that the quality and ease of use is better on this one. I wouldn't even think about a camera which doesn't have an eye level viewfinder of some kind.

    I do like the fact that my present lenses will work on this camera. OTOH: they would certainly increase the package size!

    A burst rate of 4.2 FPS is pretty mediocre and sluggish for a modern camera. I suspect in researching this camera, I will find additional things that I don't like and that I do like.

    I don't like that the hotshoe slot is taken up with the EVF. I wonder if there is any other way to sync a flash. If it is a question of using the flash OR the EFV but not both, I wouldn't even consider this camera!

    Price seems pretty decent also. $549 with EVF for grey market model with no warranty... I think that it might be great as a second camera on a trip...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 27th August 2015 at 05:05 AM.

  2. #2
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Canon M3

    Sound like an interesting camera to have but I've gone past GAS at the moment and I'd rather have a Nikon...

  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Canon M3

    I've been following the evolution of mirrorless cameras with some interest for quite a while but have never felt ready to invest in one. They now seem to fall into two main camps :

    Those with a micro four thirds sensor from Olympus and Panasonic

    Those with an APS-C sensor from Sony, Canon, and Fuji

    There are also a couple of exceptions to the above such as Sony's full frame and Nikon's 1" sensor.

    There also seem to have been endless variations on inclusions/exclusions of such things as EVF, in-built flash, and hot shoes.

    I have a feeling that when I next travel overseas, I could easily be looking at deciding to invest in a mirrorless but it's not a decision I look forward to making due to the number of choices there are. Lenses of course are another story again. For now I'll keep watching with interest !


  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Canon M3


    I don't think that I would want this as my only camera on a trip. However, I have long been an advocate of two cameras on any important trip. It seems that this camera would be a nice addition to any 1.6x camera already owned. It is not very heavy and if purchased on the gray market, not terribly expensive. Being able to use my present lenses is also a good point.

    Wouldn't his be a compact unit if equipped with Canon's 40mm pancake lens! OTOH - needing the accessory EVF increases the size...

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Canon M3

    Are they joking about "not coming to USA", I know sometimes it can take years for new printers to reach US markets?

  6. #6
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Canon M3

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post

    I don't think that I would want this as my only camera on a trip. However, I have long been an advocate of two cameras on any important trip. It seems that this camera would be a nice addition to any 1.6x camera already owned. It is not very heavy and if purchased on the gray market, not terribly expensive. Being able to use my present lenses is also a good point.

    Wouldn't his be a compact unit if equipped with Canon's 40mm pancake lens! OTOH - needing the accessory EVF increases the size...
    Yes Richard, it sounds like it would suit your needs very well.


  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Canon M3


    "Yes Richard, it sounds like it would suit your needs very well."

    My needs or my wants? I haven't yet gotten to the point that I really want this camera since I have a pair of 7D Mk-I cameras. However, if I did not have the second 7D, I would seriously consider this camera.

  8. #8
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Canon M3

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post

    "Yes Richard, it sounds like it would suit your needs very well."

    My needs or my wants? I haven't yet gotten to the point that I really want this camera since I have a pair of 7D Mk-I cameras. However, if I did not have the second 7D, I would seriously consider this camera.
    You should always think of them as "needs", Richard, not "wants". Much easier to justify the purchase then.

  9. #9
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Canon M3

    Dave: "You should always think of them as "needs", Richard, not "wants". Much easier to justify the purchase then."

    Ever since I have been doing a lot of dog rescue photography, my wife doesn't complain about my purchasing equipment.

    Ever since I have been bringing home Yellowfin Tuna (AKA: Ahi) cleaned and vacuum packed from the trips on my son-in-law's new boat, my wife doesn't complain about me buying a reasonable amount of new fishing tackle. I needed some heavier tackle since the tuna we are catching are averaging 20 to 40 pounds (about 9 to 18 kilograms) and the tackle I owned was aimed at smaller fish.

    BTW: seared Ahi, quickly seared in a heavy pan using olive oil and Chinese black bean sauce, is one of the most tasty fish I have ever eaten!

  10. #10
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Canon M3

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Are they joking about "not coming to USA", I know sometimes it can take years for new printers to reach US markets?
    Probably not. The M2 was never distributed in the USA.

    For me, the reports that the M3's AF performance is worse than the M(1)'s AF performance is troubling. You'd think they'd have gone to the hybrid PDAF tech by now...

    For me, the EOS M series really only has one feature going for it against all the other mirrorless cameras, and that's compatibility with other EOS gear (flash, lenses, MagicLantern, etc.) In every other way, nearly every other mirrorless system out there can beat it on overall system and features (I really really wanted my mirrorless to have a hotshoe I could still use with an EVF, so I needed a built-in EVF and that's why I went with the G3 over other mft models). That's not to say EOS compatibility isn't worth it for a lotta folks. But for me the fact that all the system has, lens-wise, at this point is the 18-55/55-200 twin kit, 22/2 fast prime, and the 11-22 ultrawide (which you can't get in the US, afaik), and has mostly P&S handling & AF performance are the main sticking points. For someone stepping up from a P&S it's probably the bees' knees. But if you're stepping down from a prosumer dSLR, maybe a little frustrating (hell, I mainly moved from the G3 to the GX7 for dual-wheel control and IBIS).
    Last edited by inkista; 28th August 2015 at 04:32 PM.

  11. #11
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Canon M3

    Wow! I hadn't even gotten far enough in my "wanting - needing" to do a research on the capabilities...

    Guess that I'll just stick with my SX50-HS if I really need a small camera.

  12. #12
    jcochran's Avatar
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    Re: Canon M3

    I find the M3 to be an excellent travel camera. I sent to Japan for one before I traveled to Paris and London in May of this year. I traveled with the M3 with EVF and just the 11-22, 22, and 18-55 mm lenses. I would say I used the 11-22 over 90% of the time. This kit was a joy to carry around both cities as opposed to lugging my 5D3 and a bag full of heavy lenses. The M3 is now scheduled to be sold in USA sometime in October. If you have the time you can view some of the images I took on my visit at these sites:

    Keep in mind I am just a hobby photographer so don't expect any masterpieces. I fool around with different editing so you will see some different versions of the same image including some B&W conversions. I am sure many of you can produce better images with the same kit.

  13. #13
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Canon M3

    Quote Originally Posted by jcochran View Post
    I find the M3 to be an excellent travel camera. I sent to Japan for one before I traveled to Paris and London in May of this year. I traveled with the M3 with EVF and just the 11-22, 22, and 18-55 mm lenses. I would say I used the 11-22 over 90% of the time. This kit was a joy to carry around both cities as opposed to lugging my 5D3 and a bag full of heavy lenses. The M3 is now scheduled to be sold in USA sometime in October. If you have the time you can view some of the images I took on my visit at these sites:

    Keep in mind I am just a hobby photographer so don't expect any masterpieces. I fool around with different editing so you will see some different versions of the same image including some B&W conversions. I am sure many of you can produce better images with the same kit.
    IMO, your images are very nice and well done.

    I would think that my 12-24mm f/4 Tokina combined with my old 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS would be a decent kit for relatively lightweight travel with the M3.

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