Very cool!
What do you mean not good? I think it is very good. The flower and main butterfly are in good focus, the OOF butterflies add some life and movement to the scene, color and framing look good. What's not good?
Jim is a learner like me...sometimes even if it looks good, he needs some more opinion...that's my take...
Moving on, are getting your creative juice working. These is really a beautiful rendition from the norm...
Way cool, seriously good.
Thanks all for the encouraging words.
Wish I could have caught better detail in the two in flight.
Yes, a bit more light on the bodies and a bit less flutter so the bodies are sharp or nearly sharp with a bit of motion on the wings would have been near perfection, IMHO.
Hey Izzie, I had another opinion :-) Actually, I have many, but they have nothing to do with the picture.
Thanks Jim and I agree about the photo.
Good capture, and a very unusual image.
I think you are being too hard on yourself.Wish I could have caught better detail in the two in flight.
Did you use flash? I'm guessing not, from the lighting. That would have helped with the motion, although it might have made the closest too bright relative to the one in focus. Beyond that, I think the limited sharpness of the closer ones just reflects the small DOF at macro distances, and there isn't much you can do about that when things are moving. I doubt you could have gotten all three in sharp focus.