I went out into the garden this morning and set my Nikon D50 on a tripod and took shots of the same lily at many possible combination of settings for ISO, file size, aperture. The lily was just being lit by the sun over the trees but the background was still in shadow. (Nova Scotia, Canada)
To my surprise even the highly compressed jpegs looked indistinguishable from least compressed ones, and the high ISO images looked fine also. Mind you, these were viewed on a screen and not printed.
This image was taken at ISO 1250 (set at 1200, which is the highest for a D50) and cropped to about 1700 pixels wide and then resized to 700 pixels for the upload.
Two questions:
Are there images that would have been much more degraded ? Darker images, or a busier scene, or perhaps a uniform background? And would the degradation be more obvious if the image was printed?
And second, does anyone know how Nikon creates the smaller images? The large image is 3000 x 2000 pixels but the smaller ones are half that or less. Does the camera do a resize internally before writing to the card? In other words, is the camera discarding some information to create the smaller image or is it just collecting less information from the start?
Many thanks . . . Alan
My image did not appear. I will try to find it.