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Thread: Lightroom Panorama Merge - Resetting Other Adjustments?

  1. #1
    Thlayle's Avatar
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    Randy Butters

    Lightroom Panorama Merge - Resetting Other Adjustments?

    I have noticed after more than one time around with using the Panorama Merge in Lightroom that if I made any adjustments prior to the merge that any adjustments I made, such as any of the 'basic' controls, are reset when the pano is completed.

    I don't recall hearing that this was how this is supposed to work, but it seems to be the case. Has anyone else using the latest version of Lightroom CC seen this?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Jena, Thuringia

    Re: Lightroom Panorama Merge - Resetting Other Adjustments?

    What do you mean when you say the adjustments are reset? All of the adjustments - except (of course) crops and localized corrections - are carried over* to the merged DNG file. This makes sense as the resulting DNG is supposed to stay as close to a "digital negative" as possible and carrying over localized corrections would "hard bake" them into it. From a workflow point of view, it doesn't make sense to do adjustments, let alone localized corrections, before stiching in Lightroom anyway.

    Lens warp, vignette, and chromatic aberration are applied to the images behind the scenes before stitching, so such settings in the source images will not be copied over to the resulting panorama DNG. Also not included are localized corrections, Upright and Crop adjustments. However, other adjustments are included, such as Basic panel and Tone Curve panel and color adjustments.

    *Note that they are always carried over from the "most selected" source file (i.e. the one in view). If you made adjustments to only one file and accidentaly have another one without adjustments selected when merging, it would appear as if the adjustments are reset.
    Last edited by Timar; 9th September 2015 at 04:04 PM.

  3. #3
    Thlayle's Avatar
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    Randy Butters

    Re: Lightroom Panorama Merge - Resetting Other Adjustments?

    Quote Originally Posted by Timar View Post
    *Note that they are always carried over from the "most selected" source file (i.e. the one in view). If you made adjustments to only one file and accidentaly have another one without adjustments selected when merging, it would appear as if the adjustments are reset.
    Thanks for the comment.

    It's that bit about 'local adjustments' -- I forgot that almost all of my adjustments were done using local adjustment tools, the brush, the gradient and the radial.


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