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Thread: I screwed up and imported duplicate images

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2011
    SE Michigan
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    wm c boyer

    I screwed up and imported duplicate images

    Now that they are in LR do I locate and delete them without using third party software?

  2. #2
    ST1's Avatar
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    I screwed up and imported duplicate images

    Was it the last import that you did, or did you do so more than once?
    If it the first above you should see all of the imported images in the top list of folders in the left panel, from memory its the 4th folder down in the Catalog field titled "Previous Import"
    However if you have imported duplicates over a number of different shooting dates you could create a Smart Collection which may gather the duplicates in to the collection so that you can delete the duplicates. To create a smart collection click on the + symbol at the top of the collections field on the left panel (it's just above the Publish section) from the drop down menu choose create a smart collection. You can then set rules to search your catalog NB rules include items like camera info - serial number; capture date; file type raw, tiff, jpg etc.
    Don't forget whilst you may have imported duplicates you've only imported them into your catalog and not twice on to your disk/s

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    wm c boyer

    Re: I screwed up and imported duplicate images

    I should have been more clear...I have a C Drive that contains my software only, I thought.
    Additionally, I have an E Drive that contains only images.

    Somehow, numerous images were moved onto C Drive and disappeared from the E Drive/LR catalogue.
    I scooped them all up and moved them back onto E Drive and imported into LR and wound up with
    tons of duplicates within LR of varying dates, going back months.

    My goal now is to easily rid myself of duplicates.

  4. #4
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: I screwed up and imported duplicate images

    Wm have a look at this link to s free plugin which may be worth trying out. Just make sure you create a backup of your catalog before and if you try it
    I may try it on my catalog too

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2011
    SE Michigan
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    wm c boyer

    Re: I screwed up and imported duplicate images

    It seems to be a moot point now...I ran a System Defrag. on C Drive and now LR is gone...Why???

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