I'm starting to consider the om-d micro 4/3s system as a replacement for my dslr gear that was stolen recently. I want to go lighter and more compact at this point but haven't worked out yet which body appeals to me most - I could go for any of the e-m1 or e-m5 variants. At the moment however, I'm mostly interested in deciding which lenses to put on whatever body I decide on. The 14-42 kit lens covers a decent range and seems good optically, but it's slow - what would be a good alternative that is faster? I was also looking at the Zuiko 12-40, which is faster but commensurately expensive. My interests are in landscapes, close ups (mostly nature subjects), architecture, and the ability to isolate subject from background, so recommendations of lenses with strengths in these areas would be helpful. I can see the 14-42 as a general walk around lens, and situations where maximum DoF is desirable, but would want both wider and longer options, and macro capabilities. I'm not concerned about specifying a budget just yet as all of this will come together piecemeal over the next year as I build up a new system. Appreciate your thoughts!