I’m looking around at the current offerings of hot shoe flashes/triggers with the idea of possibly expanding my current system.
I only need manual with no ttl capability necessary and I want full power/zoom control from the camera (remote; i.e. carrying a controller TX in my pocket would be cool but not a deal breaker). Remote shutter release is cool too but I already have that covered. The more groups the merrier of course, but I’m thinking four minimum. I would like all flashes to be RF triggered from a camera mounted TX (no on-camera flash Master) but optical slave option is mandatory for flashes. Ttl pass through is nice but not necessary.
Present hot shoe equipment includes:
3x Canon 580 EXII flash (no optical slave firing)
Phottix Odin trigger system
This is a ‘system specific” set-up.
I am very happy with this system and wouldn’t even consider changing it at this time if I weren’t looking at increasing the number of lights. To this end I’m thinking third party flashes and I’m going to go “budget” with it. Hopefully with no future regrets!
The three manufactures I have been exhaustively researching so far include Yongnuo, Cactus, and Godox.
Yongnuo looks fair, and are the most inexpensive. It seems there are a lot of folks using them and I’m guessing for this reason. On paper they look great, but there is a disturbing history of reports with failures, bad (or no) customer service dating to present with their newest releases. The over-riding theme is that they are priced as disposable. Not liking that! The system is proprietary but cheap enough that my entire present system could be replaced for a little more than the cost of one Canon 600EX-RT. Built in RX on flash requiring a TX for camera.
Godox looks pretty good too and mostly good reviews. However their proprietary Li-ion batter has had some past issues. Reports state they may have this ironed out and if so is worth considering. I’m going back and forth on this battery system mostly because replacement (spare) batteries are expensive. Less PITA and longer life than a ton of AA’s but maybe not so in a pinch. Another proprietary system so any expansion/upgrading must be in-system. RX is not built into the offered manual flashes requiring one TX for camera and an RX for each light.
I’m leaning toward Cactus and I am finding the least reviews on these. What I am seeing though is all good so far. Non-proprietary system that will fire/control my 580EX II”s (and just about any other flash that has ttl capability), and the Cactus RF60 flashes look pretty nice too. This system is a bit more expensive but easily within what I am hoping to pay.
I really don’t want to go OEM and I really don’t want to shell out for the top drawer Pocket Wizard ttl system just to have remote manual power control.
All systems will manually fire my studio strobes but with no remote power control which is cool. In case I want to integrate hot-shoe/studio down the road.
All systems seem to have adequate RF range and lack-of-line-of-sight capability.
I am on the verge of pulling the trigger (pun intended!) on the Cactus but thought I’d just toss this out and see if anyone might offer some experience oriented opinions or anything else that can be thought of for that matter! I think I have the features options/capabilities pegged fairly well on the different manufacturers and these are the only manufacturers I have looked at in-depth so far. I realize this Forum isn’t a hugely flash oriented group but I know there are at least a few who are quite versed in this matter.
Appreciation in advance!