Nice set.
What sort of flies is #1, Brian?
Look like #2 is hanging on for its dear life...
#3 is interesting, a smile on its face for finding something where it is hanging on...
I really liked is a rare pose
The flies are Dolichopodidae and there are more than a thousand species of them in a variety of colors. They are carnivorous and should be loved in Florida where they prey on noseeums.
Nice grin on the dragon.
I'm not allergic but I don't like the little buggers.
I've used alcohol, dabbed not rubbed on the bite and it seems to neutralize the venom and cool the spot for me. Failing that an anti-itch cream might work.
I don't use bug repellent because it makes it hard to take their pictures.
The second dragon shot is a great capture. They are ferocious predators also.
Very nice images I haven't seen one eating a bug before.
Love the last shot Brian.