20th June 2011, 06:14 AM
Re: Central European Lines
Neagoe Basarab The First,known as Negru Voda(Black Prince),traveled with master builder Manole(from Nicosia) and his nine masons to find a place to build a monastery.
They found the place and begun to raise the walls.

to be continued
22nd June 2011, 06:48 AM
Re: Central European Lines
But what they built in the daylight collapsed in the night.In one night Manole dreamed that they will finish the work when they shall immure one of their sisters or wives who first will come there,in the morning.They vowed that they shall do that.It happened that Anna,the wife of the master,who brought the lunch for her husband,to be the first.So the vow had to be kept and the church was finished.Today the place where Anna was immured is marked and the pilgrims the visitors could see the place,between the two windows,on the South wall.

to be continued
Last edited by Radu Dinu Cordeanu; 22nd June 2011 at 12:01 PM.
23rd June 2011, 04:41 PM
Re: Central European Lines
In a transcendental way it could say that these walls do not keep inside Anna's body only,but also her soul.

to be continued
28th June 2011, 05:42 AM
Re: Central European Lines
A strange fate did that these walls to receive the body of another woman and a piece of her soul .Forest's Song was her name or Carmen Silva in Latin

to be continued
1st July 2011, 03:15 PM
Re: Central European Lines
This extraordinary woman,whose real name was Elisabeth of Wied,was borne in Neuwied,South-West Germany around the middle of the 19th century.She was piano and organ player singer and painter.She knew several foreign languages but her true passion was poetry.In 1861 she made aquaitance with Karl of Hohenzollern and Sigmaringen.Eight years later he made her his bride and then The Queen Consort of new Romanian Kingdom.In this church there is,in a glass-box,a small part of her soul,a Gospel written and painted by her,Carmen Silva.

to be continued
4th July 2011, 07:34 AM
Re: Central European Lines
After her marriage She dedicated to emancipate the womaen in a country where the power of the man had strong and deep roots and to introduce the new kingdom to the European world.During Balkan War II She spent the time beside the wounded soldiers they naming Her "mother".The fate hit this family their daughter dying at the age of four.The Song Of The Forest stopped in 1916 and Her body was brought to rest here in this corner of the pronaos.

But what did with Manole happen?
7th July 2011, 07:44 AM
Re: Central European Lines
During they were on the roof,finishing the work,the Black Prince asked them if they might raise another more beautiful monastery.Being filled with proud their answer was that they could do

to be continued
9th July 2011, 08:49 AM
Re: Central European Lines
Hearing that Manole could build another more beautiful monastery The Black Prince,feeling deceived,pull down the scaffolding,Manole and his men remaining on the roof.To escape,they made wings,jumped and died.

to be continued
18th July 2011, 05:28 PM
Re: Central European Lines
On the place where Manole,the chief architect,crashed a spring appeared.300 years later the monks built a well.From time to time a kind of mist covers the well... the monks say ...

30th July 2011, 06:34 AM
Re: Central European Lines
A trip where my GPS receiver doesn't know the ways.
To travel in East Europe is not so easily.From Bucharest to Bulgarian border the road is good enough with two lane on sense,there is no traffic indicator with Bulgarian border,there are indicators with Romanian towns so if someone has not GPS receiver he looks for Giurgiu indicator.In the nearness of Giurgiu a small indicator shows the road to the border.At the border I paid Romanian bridge tax(25 RON that means around 4 Euros at returning from Bulgaria to Romania,I paid 2 Euros only).Then,as slow as a snail I crossed the Danube river
to be continued
Last edited by Radu Dinu Cordeanu; 31st July 2011 at 08:55 AM.
31st July 2011, 07:18 AM
Re: Central European Lines
On the Bulgarian bank there is a town named Ruse.The road goes to South towards the Rhodope mountains.Here,in Ruse,it must pay the road tax(vignette) at Shell or Lukoil or OMV gas-station(I avoided local station because I paid with credit card-Visa or Master Card are always available- at official change rate).In the nearness of towns the roads are with two lane on sense and it can avoid the center of the cities-that is not the rule,it seems to be rater the exception(like in Romania,of course).
to be continued
Last edited by Radu Dinu Cordeanu; 31st July 2011 at 08:59 AM.
31st July 2011, 03:34 PM
Re: Central European Lines
Hungary is very beautiful. You have captured it artistically, Great work!!
1st August 2011, 06:07 AM
1st August 2011, 07:42 AM
Re: Central European Lines
Imperial Budapest...so beautiful,so wonderful,........................................ .......
2nd August 2011, 06:00 PM
Re: Central European Lines
Returning to my trip this road which leads to Turkish border and Istanbul is busy and narrow one and as You could see the unknown pieces of road begun to appear.
Last edited by Radu Dinu Cordeanu; 3rd August 2011 at 07:29 PM.
4th August 2011, 04:37 PM
Re: Central European Lines
From Ruse to Plovdiv(the second town of Bulgaria) Turkish drivers make the rule!
8th August 2011, 06:59 AM
Re: Central European Lines
Slowly the landscape is changing and mountains appears
10th August 2011, 05:53 AM
Re: Central European Lines
and the road gets more dangerously,with many curves.
15th August 2011, 12:21 PM
Re: Central European Lines
From the beginning of that trip I knew that my Garmin GPS receiver did not know the Bachkovo Monastery(the second largest Bulgarian monastery!) but on the map I saw it is at only 10 miles from Plovdiv(the second largest Bulgarian town).Trying to cross Plovdiv to find the road to monastery I ask the people which is the road.Old people understand Russian only,the young knows English.Those who ask me knew better than me and the hotel employer!From Plovdiv the road crosses through Assenovgrad a small holiday resort.
18th August 2011, 05:57 PM
Re: Central European Lines
Being connected at my Garmin I booked a double bed hotel room in Plovdiv on a street known by it.Another condition was a parking car.I found one with air conditioner and shower for 31 Euros per night(breakfast included).All seemed to be right on the paper.When I arrived the bedclothes were unchanged and the air conditioner worked as fun only.So I asked another room then all was o.k.At reception there were not the maps of the town so I walked around only.The TV in Bulgarian was not interested for us so being tired my wife and me got to sleep.Below You could see one of the Plovdiv entrance.
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