I arrived at Bachkovo.Because it was early in the morning the parking car was empty and for .50euro(1 Leva) I left the car all day.The road to monastery is full,on both sides,of kiosks where the visitors find souvenirs,traditional sweets,sausages,and so on.Late in the afternoon,returning from the monastery I saw a small arrow which showed the car-road to the fortress ruins.The place,where the ruins are,is not surrounded with a fence,there is no entrance gate,no tickets-office,no notification about the value of a ticket.There was a he and a she who ask me 1.5 Euro/person.After I asked their accreditation they became nervous running towards me and my wife to hit.I take off my big against-animals-spray and they stopped and became calm and quietly.I renounce to visit the ruins because to call the police is not the rightest solution in Bulgaria,on a peak of a hill through ruins without other tourists around