Radu, your work is really growing on me, as far as I can tell your style is unique. A little eccentric, but in the best possible way. Keep posting I really do enjoy this series.A too painted old woman could mean
I said before that You are too kind
Radu Dinu
Last edited by Radu Dinu Cordeanu; 19th September 2010 at 07:52 AM.
"Corbi"(Ravens) is the name of a Romanian village which is known because here there is a rupestral orthodox monastery (Stone Ravens is its name).Now three monks live and pray there.The village is the native place of Hunyadi family(John Hunyadi and his son Matthias 1st Corvinus ruled Hungary in 15th century.
Thank You
Radu Dinu
This is a small monument hidden behind a church.It seems to be a kind of shame,in Germany,to celebrate the memory of The First and The Second World War dead soldiers as they ought to be guilty because their leaders did what they did.
Ok,ours versus theirs,we versus they and the fight goes on...
Thank You
Radu Dinu
PS for those who don't know German,on the cetral cross is written "to our dead".
Last edited by Radu Dinu Cordeanu; 6th October 2010 at 05:13 AM.
The church of the "Curtea de Arges" Monastery is the place where there are two simple stones which covered the graves of our loved king Ferdinand and his wife Maria(Mary Princess of Ireland) .He,German being,fought against Germany and Austria in The First World War(!)and made "Great" Romania.This image is from inside of this "royal" church.
Thank You
Radu Dinu
Last edited by Radu Dinu Cordeanu; 4th October 2010 at 06:36 PM.
Being at Dacians to preach Christianity,St.Andrew and his companion arrived at a cave which had a small entrance on the roof.Believing that this place was good enough to hide the Christians' meeting He looked inside where nobody was.So He said to his companions "Nemo est"(nobody is).Only a few companions knew Latin so the majority believed that St.Andrew named this place NEMOEST.Then St.Andrew put inside an icon of Vergin Mary with Her Son(which was painted by St Luke as Vergin Mary asked him). Then Romans and barbarians ruled this territory,rocks and woods coverd the entrance of that cave,the goal of this place was forgotten but the name was remained and in time was transformed in NAMAESTI.
Thank You
Radu Dinu
Odd I should see this because I got a skype message from God todayI didn't answer of course. It looks like the sort of place that deserves high definition. I've got a picture of the inside of a cave, and in a sense it is religious as well.
it goes without saying not as good as yours though:
1300 years has gone until three shepherds,being tired,slept on that rock.All three had, in that night,the same dream,it was Vergin Mary who told them to dig there to find Her icon and to build a nunnery.In 1996 this icon was covered with gold.Now there are only three icons which was painted by St.Luke.
Thank You
Radu Dinu
PS Yes "Arith" yours is a good one I saw it on fotki.Thanks.
If there was a competition for best frame, this one is the clear winner. Makes me wonder what I could have done with Cambridge if I had your vision. A pic I saw was a chap staring at a clock on display in the side of a bank at eye level.
It was a very nice large gold clock, but he was oblivious to the crowds around him going about their shopping, and I'm always reluctant to take pics of people.
I bet you could have made something fantastic out of it.
Hi "Arith"
The crowd places(but not too crowd) are very good to take pics.The problem is that such scenes have a very,very short duration.The decisive moment being a fraction of a second,the photographer has no time to lift the camera to the eye so we must push from the brest or abdomen level which means practice.When I shot that I was with camera at eye for another image but I understood the potential of such image and took
it.You must return there and wait to rise the moment.You must know that this kind of shots means to spend much time and to experience many failings but the personal satisfaction is huge.
Thank You
Radu Dinu
Yes I think that is right.