Hi Colin,
I see a difference between water and mountains and I'm sure you're right about its longevity as your desktop background, but; do you have that white border on your desktop version?
(Perhaps so you can remember who you are)
Hi Colin,
I see a difference between water and mountains and I'm sure you're right about its longevity as your desktop background, but; do you have that white border on your desktop version?
(Perhaps so you can remember who you are)
In deed I do Dave - because the title is an important part of this image.Other than that, I like the boarder anyway - to me it just seems like a more "complete" way to present an image (a bit like chefs do when presenting food at a restaurant; the presentation doesn't make the food taste any different, but it does make the whole thing look better)!
Last edited by Colin Southern; 16th September 2010 at 03:00 AM.
Great discussion boys.
Rejoice, all ye, rejoice;
I just downloaded IE9 beta and they have finally done it !!!!!!
Oops, spoke too soon ...
I got excited for a quick minute...until I scrolled further down.