I re-visited the four images in my previous thread taking on board Dave's suggestions and also to tweak the sky/content balance and, most importantly as I was not happy with the square format, re-cropped into 4X3 which I think looks a lot better. Comments on this would be appreciated. Also two more photos which complete the series.
Nikon Df with Tamron 28-300 PZD at 300mm. 1/320 at f11, iso 400, cropped
Nikon Df with Tamron 28-300 PZD at 300mm. 1/320 at f11, iso 500, cropped
Nikon Df with Tamron 28-300 PZD at 300mm. 1/320 at f11, iso 1600, cropped
Nikon Df with Tamron 28-300 PZD at 300mm. 1/320 at f11, iso 1600, cropped
I feel a great sense of privilege when essentially wild animals accept me in such close proximity and it is only fair to respect that.
I was satisfied that I had plenty to work with and, feeling really pleased with myself decided to descend into the valley and leave this most obliging group in peace.
Sitting by the river down in the valley (having my packed lunch) I noticed a solitary animal way up the other side of the valley. I figured that this must be the local stag so I set off crouching low and eventually got close enough for this one.
Nikon Df with Tamron 28-300 PZD at 300mm. 1/320 at f8, iso 280, cropped
The stag seemed uneasy and went off across just above me. as I followed its direction I could see what he was protecting and why he was uneasy about my presence.
Nikon Df with Tamron 28-300 PZD at 300mm. 1/320 at f8, iso 360, cropped
After this one I withdrew quietly and continued my trek down the great valley of Glendalough.