Interesting capture, I like the semi-diagonal created by the docks and the misty foliage looks inviting.
Cool image Dan And I think the plants you shot before with their reflections are still in the water.
Very nice Dan...but I think this will be more nicer if that big rock beside the dock isn't there...just thinking out loud.
That's not a rock Izzie - it is the body of the last person that criticised Dan's composition
That said (even in jest), I now feel uncomfortable suggesting that (for me) the shot improves with less foreground water and reflection.
I'd take about 20% off the lower edge, placing the nearest jetty on the lower 'thirds' line.
Just thinking out loud (2), Dave
Is it getting cold in here or is the body of the last person that criticised Dan's composition
I would consider "moving" the foliage closer to the edge of the the image.
Thanks, everyone. The rock exposed in the Adirondacks is thought by geologists to be a billion (!) years old (, so I can't claim credit for that one.
Dave, I did wonder about cropping the bottom. I cropped a little. I stopped because of the vertical symmetry of the tree and reflection that frame the image on the left. However, maybe that was a bad idea. I will play with it some more.
My thought was that if the reason for taking the image was the mist, why have it constrained in to less than the top half of the frame.
The mist becomes much more predominant with a tighter crop.
Perhaps there were other images to be had with regard to reflections on the still waters that go hand-in-hand with the mist.
My first thought was the same as Dave. But I don't want to lose anything from the sides so what ratio to use?
Maybe square? Or could you also cut a bit from the top and go 5 x 4 ratio?
Really nice image, but I'm without reading others opinions, drawn instantly to a thought of crop from the bottom, as there seems a little too much free space there.
Lovely image though!
A pretty neat pic , love the tones and the nice reflection .
Thanks again, everyone. With more thought, I now agree with the suggestions to crop, although perhaps a tad less than I did in the second image. Izzie--I made the comment about the age of the rock in response to Dave's joke that it is a body. It's all a matter of taste, but I like the rock--it gives it more of a sense of a specific place, and it anchors the right side. Binnur, you're right--the plant just above the dock is the pickerel weed I posted earlier.
Hi Dan, I'm going to confuse you by saying that I prefer the uncropped version IMO the image lost some of its mood with the crop, so if it was mine I would keep the original