Nicely done.
Very interesting, it is like a day photo How did you manage to shoot without motion blur as it took seven minutes Dan? It seems windy there.
thanks. Actually, it was very still. The trees are bent from years of westerly winds. The original was even more like a day photo. I often expose to the right with very long night exposures and then darken the image, to lessen the risk of problems with noise. Noise can be a big problem with very long exposures. In this case, it was cold out, which helps, and I used Canon's long-exposure (subtractive) noise reduction. Also, the camera I used (5DIII) is quite low-noise. In postprocessing, I darkened the sky and water but not the trees because I didn't want to lose the detail there.
Looks fine but I would clone out those marks in the sky which look like scratches. Are they aircraft?
Dan, this is fascinating that you got so much colour in a night time moonlit shot. I'd never have guessed it was possible!
They are star trails. It takes far less than 7 minutes to get lines that long from an airplane.
Bruce, that's one of the reasons I enjoy night photography in areas where there isn't much artificial light. Our eyes just aren't sensitive enough to see what the night offers. It's fun in urban areas too, but for different reasons.
Last edited by DanK; 29th September 2015 at 09:09 PM.