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Thread: When mentors give advice it pays to try it. Grasshopper x2

  1. #1

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    When mentors give advice it pays to try it. Grasshopper x2

    When mentors give advice it pays to try it. Grasshopper x2

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: When mentors give advice it pays to try it. Grasshopper x2

    Hi Brian,

    The prominent sweeping leaf on the left complicates my original suggested crop (in the original thread) though. This has more on our left than I had envisaged, but I can see why you have included it, I also like to place strong diagonal elements in to a corner when possible, as you have here.

    If the shot were mine, I'd still take a few more pixels off the lower edge though (and brighten it a bit).

    HTH, Dave

  3. #3

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    Re: When mentors give advice it pays to try it. Grasshopper x2

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Brian,

    The prominent sweeping leaf on the left complicates my original suggested crop (in the original thread) though. This has more on our left than I had envisaged, but I can see why you have included it, I also like to place strong diagonal elements in to a corner when possible, as you have here.

    If the shot were mine, I'd still take a few more pixels off the lower edge though (and brighten it a bit).

    HTH, Dave
    I did brighten it! Okay not the entire shot but the three paler green leaves. Taking a wee bit more off the bottom could work but it would start to eat away the fifths and thirds

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