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Thread: Nikon D610 VS D750

  1. #1

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    Nikon D610 VS D750

    Hey guys,

    Il be upgrading from an entry level DSLR to a full frame and leaning toward D610 but wanted to know if the 800$ difference between the 610 and 750 worth it? Ive been reading on it and some of the difference seams to be with the auto focus in low light, image processor, and couple things in video mode(which i won't be using). I'm an amateur at this but in it for the long run as i absolutely love photography. I know this camera will be a huge i mean huge step up from my d3200. But hey, I got the coins for it and its probably the last one il ever buy?

    What do you guys think? Am I getting caught up in Professional features that il never notice?? Or should i just say F**k It and go for the 750?


  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    First response would be to recommend going with the Nikon D*** but that would only rankle owners of the Nikon D***. I would do a side by side listing of both cameras, look for samples of imagery, perhaps get your hands on the actual cameras. If you really want to be convinced, I'd suggest renting both.

  3. #3

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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    It's hard to provide any useful input without knowing what you're trying to accomplish. What are your reasons for upgrading? Why are you interested in the FX bodies? What features are you looking for that the D3200 doesn't have? Etc...

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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    First response would be to recommend going with the Nikon D*** but that would only rankle owners of the Nikon D***. I would do a side by side listing of both cameras, look for samples of imagery, perhaps get your hands on the actual cameras. If you really want to be convinced, I'd suggest renting both.
    Ya renting both would be a great idea actually!

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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    It's hard to provide any useful input without knowing what you're trying to accomplish. What are your reasons for upgrading? Why are you interested in the FX bodies? What features are you looking for that the D3200 doesn't have? Etc...
    I really enjoy night landscape photography. Low Light with high iso always turns out grainy, few setting have to be set back after every shoot, always having to go in the menu to set things rather then having them easily available.. Now Going for FX over DX just seemed to be more on a personal level and is something i may not take full advantage now but will eventually

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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Quote Originally Posted by Mtlalex View Post
    I really enjoy night landscape photography. Low Light with high iso always turns out grainy, few setting have to be set back after every shoot, always having to go in the menu to set things rather then having them easily available.. Now Going for FX over DX just seemed to be more on a personal level and is something i may not take full advantage now but will eventually
    I have owned various Nikon bodies over the years and still do. In my experience one of the big differences as you go up in models is more user friendly controls. So in that regard the D750 will be superior. It also has the tilt-screen which is useful for landscape photography. And surely if high ISO is important to you, the FX format is superior to DX in that regard. Only you can decide how much you're willing to pay for the various advantages. Versus the D3200 you're going to be thrilled with either one. Likely more so with the 750 based on this little bit of input. Keep in mind if you do go with an FX body then any DX lenses you currently own will still only produce DX cropped images on an FX body. IOW you'll get roughtly 10MP images from a 24MP FX body with a DX lens attached.

  7. #7

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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Alex as a Nikon shooter myself, both are excellent cameras. I have the older D600, if coin is not the problem I would go with the D750, that said I only know my shooting style not yours. These are the things that the D750 has over the D610 to my way of thinking, better low light focusing, lower noise level overall, higher ISO 12800, 2-9 frames bracketing. There was an article in Luminous Landscape on Landscape Astrophotography comparing the new D810a (a for astrophotography) the D810, and the D750. Adding link to article for you to read:
    I often bracket shots but my D600 like the D610 will only allow me 3 shots, for me up to 9 shots is better. I find that two stops over and 2 stops under often give me an image that is too bright, whereas 5 shots each one 1 stop apart I can better select the shots I want to use, to me that is important.

    Cheers: Allan

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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    I have owned various Nikon bodies over the years and still do. In my experience one of the big differences as you go up in models is more user friendly controls. So in that regard the D750 will be superior. It also has the tilt-screen which is useful for landscape photography. And surely if high ISO is important to you, the FX format is superior to DX in that regard. Only you can decide how much you're willing to pay for the various advantages. Versus the D3200 you're going to be thrilled with either one. Likely more so with the 750 based on this little bit of input. Keep in mind if you do go with an FX body then any DX lenses you currently own will still only produce DX cropped images on an FX body. IOW you'll get roughtly 10MP images from a 24MP FX body with a DX lens attached.
    Thanks for the input i really appreciate it! I will probably go rent the d750 and then take a decision as i have tried the 610 before!


  9. #9
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Hi Alex

    I had a similar decision to make about a year ago and decided on the D610. I've been very happy with it but of course I'm sure I would have been very happy with the D750 too. For me, the extra features were not worth the extra money, particularly as I had to find money in my budget for new FX lenses. However for some, the D750 would be worth the extra money. Only you can decide that as you know what sort of photography you want to do and what your budget is. You don't say what lenses you have but you may well have to shell out considerable money for FX lenses.

    You mention that this may well be your last camera - with respect, I think this is unlikely !


  10. #10
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Enjoyed this thread as I am in the throes of replacing or adding to my D7100. On paper the D610 looks better value for money and the D750 the better camera.

    One reservation I have is that when I upgraded from a D3200 to the D7100 it was like moving up a league in quality even though they have the same sensor, and I am a little concerned that this may recur as the 610 is an entry level FF. If the limiting factor is the budget, look for a good condition used one (and that tells a tale too: there are always lots of 610 bodies on places like Wex in the UK and Adorama in the US, but routinely few or even no 750s). Or you could take a punt on a grey import from an ebay seller and hope nothing goes pear-shaped in the first year.

    And of course, to go full circle from where this seems to be heading - I have yet to see anything but good reviews of the D610

    Good luck and please post to let us know how it goes.

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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Thanks guys! i didn't except this much reply especially since i haven't given you guys to much info on my Style/Preference in photography…. If i look back at all the thousands of pictures i took over the last year the ''better'' ones always seems to be landscapes or closes up (as i dabbled a little in Macro). But the thing is I've been leaning towards these because my camera wouldn't allow for quality night photography or a bit slow for sports. I'm still very much on the bottom of the learning curve but being the guy that Iam I don't mind going "all in" once i know this is not a passing phase. Just like when i started playing guitar on a Fender squier and now upgraded to an nice Strat… It seems like I'm answering my self here? I might just go for the d750 as every review and even this thread seems to leaning towards d750 if the $ is not the Issue..

  12. #12
    rtbaum's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Nikon D610 VS D750

    D750 with Nikon 28mm f/1.8

    first serious attempt at astrophotography, keep that in mind in viewing

    Nikon D610 VS D750
    D750 with Sigma 400mm F/5.6 APO Telemacro

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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    So thanks again for all the help! I decided to go for the D750 after all… I walked it the the camera store and they offered me a price i couldn't refuse! so here it is!!

    Nikon D610 VS D750

    Now I'm just waiting impatiently for the initial battery charge to be over!!!


  14. #14
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Nice efforts for your first shots with, enjoy!

  15. #15
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Congrats Alex, be sure to show us some shots tomorrow

  16. #16
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Good one Alex, it's always exciting getting those new gold boxes !


  17. #17

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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Thanks guys can't wait to try it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Nice efforts for your first shots with, enjoy!
    Its still in the box! Battery is charging!

  18. #18

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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Alex just a suggestion, pick up a spare battery, so you always have one fully charged trust me on this one.

    Cheers: Allan

  19. #19
    rtbaum's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    I think that you will be a happy camper!

    I do blame you though....after you posted your query, i started thinking about my own stable of lenses and had to lay out a grand on the Sigma 50mm 1.4 Art....Clearly you have been a bad influence .....oh well, I can always hide it in plain sight from the wife

  20. #20

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    Re: Nikon D610 VS D750

    Quote Originally Posted by Polar01 View Post
    Alex just a suggestion, pick up a spare battery, so you always have one fully charged trust me on this one.

    Cheers: Allan
    I have already! Ya i would hate to run out in the middle of a shoot!

    Quote Originally Posted by rtbaum View Post
    I think that you will be a happy camper!

    I do blame you though....after you posted your query, i started thinking about my own stable of lenses and had to lay out a grand on the Sigma 50mm 1.4 Art....Clearly you have been a bad influence .....oh well, I can always hide it in plain sight from the wife
    Hahaha! you can blame me all you want! Its all good!

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