This does not work for me in B & W. Color might be better.
I think the horizon is a bit off and sliding to the right...maybe if it is a coloured version, the cloud is worth working on, but on a black and white (which I admit not being an expert on) perhaps the clouds needs a little bit of lightening in some areas to create that drama with it. Maybe a little bit of play on the smoke too?
I'm with Izzie, I think it needs leveling. The color version appeals to me more. I would keep your original crop from the bottom but keep all of the sky.
The final version is best IMO. What is the dust/smoke cloud? Aftermath of an explosion?
Definitely prefer the colour version and the original crop.
Hi John,
I'm afraid this really doesn't work for me with the title "Landscape" - Cityscape, perhaps, but even so, the huge dust/smoke cloud overwhelms in any viewer's mind and has as asking ourselves what's going on.
If you said it was some war torn city during a bombing raid, I wouldn't have been surprised.
You must have taken it because of the cloud, which is merely a temporary part of the scene, no doubt dissipating within minutes, so why call it a Landscape? Puzzled.
I believe it is level, the building in the centre appears vertical, in my experience, it is unreliable judging levelness from a building on one side or the other, if they're not in the middle of frame AND you cannot swear the camera was not pointing slightly up or down, you're liable to fool yourself.
I suspect the illusion of a sloping horizon caused by the shoreline in the distance, which must be closer to you on the right than it is in the centre.
Getting back to the merits of the image, I agree with Matt, the "2nd crop" in colour is best, although the WB looks a bit odd, perhaps why you chose to show us a B&W originally.
The pic fails in my taste to really define a subject other than the smoke , but what does it represent pollution . industrial , fire or war related . If you where attempting to emphasize the sky line I am not sure this pic works .
Hi Dave,
Yes the title may be a bit confusing, however the reasoning behind the shot was twofold, seeing if this scene is worth pursuing further and capturing the disturbance of the implosion that occurred. As a skyline I think it fits the bill, however there are rarely enough lights from the buildings to give the scene added punch. The buildings are a bit too spaced to provide a cluster or profile, but it's a scene I see everyday and am always looking for ways to capture it. Thanks for comments and suggestions.
Hi Raymond,
The smoke is the result of progress (implosion of an old building) or just the contamination of the outer area. The fire department was on hand to water down the area but the smoke and dust got away from them. Hard to tell what the after effects will be just yet. Thanks for commenting.
I think the 2nd version works (post #9). When I view it in lytebox, that chopper suggests a war scene to me.
For me, both versions have their own merits, John. The colour version works for me too but if I did not know your area, I would have thought the same as Greg...the black and white version is a different mood altogether. Maybe use Bi-color user option in the clouds from Nik at the Black and white then manipulate the verticals and horizontal sliders to suit. A slight lightening of the clouds from some areas will be helpful...just a thought..