Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi Tejal,
As you know, I am no portrait shooter myself, but have seen a few in my time, so here are my random thoughts on this one.
I find the neckline of the black dress attracts my attention, not sure whether the answer is to crop some of it off, or if a paler colour/lighter shade would have been better. Or just tone down the brightness of her neck above it.
I find the specular reflected dot in the corner of her right eye a big distraction - easily cloned out, or significantly reduced in brightness.
I'd have her a little further left in the composition, perhaps achieve this by taking 5% (of image width) off left hand edge.
There's a bright reflection above her top lip which isn't a good look - in fact there are bright spots all over her skin, I'm not sure if it just her complexion, or glitter make up, or she's just too hot and beginning to 'glisten' too much.
That said, she's a very attractive lady and there's a lot you have done right with the capture.
Good effort, Dave