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Thread: Day 01: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

  1. #41

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    Re: Train

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Well done Chriss! Is the train still in use, or is it just on static display?
    It's just for display.

  2. #42

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    Re: Flower

    Quote Originally Posted by James G View Post
    Pad Day 1 , Grey day, bit too humid and got quite breezy so left the garden and took a walk in the park, and there you go, there's always something out there....
    Great stuff James - I'm always amazed at how I can often go to the same places over and over again and STILL get completely different photos (often ones that have been right under my nose for years that I hadn't noticed before!).

  3. #43
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Death of a bumble bee

    I stayed in the garden, and got this, quite unexpected - until I saw it big (on computer screen), I didn't appreciate what was happening.

    A bumble bee has apparently drowned in my garden pond and is being set upon by the pond skaters

    Day 01: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Nikon D5000 + VR 70-300mm, handheld 1/90s f/11.0 at 300mm, iso3200 with on-camera flash

  4. #44

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    Re: Flower

    Quote Originally Posted by James G View Post
    Pad Day 1 , Grey day, bit too humid and got quite breezy so left the garden and took a walk in the park, and there you go, there's always something out there....
    I like the black bird (whatever species it is), James: nice shot.


  5. #45

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    Re: Death of a bumble bee

    Very interesting, Dave: I didn't know those kind of water-top insects were scavengers. Neat image, good capture: very sharp.


  6. #46
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Flower

    01 July 2010: Porsche the Wonder Dog - This little guy has been through a lot of tribulation. He was not neutered by his original owner and developed testicular cancer. His owner wanted to put him down. The American Maltese Association, Maltese Rescue intervened and paid for his surgery which the vet said was successful. He is several months post-op now and is doing wonderfully. His hair is growing out (he had lost all his hair from shoulders back) and he jumps around like nothing has ever happened. Here is the little acrobat jumping from a laundry hamper to get over a half-door into another room where he suspects treats are being given out. Seeing him so lively and healthy gives us a warm feeling. We will continue to foster him until he grows back his hair and until his bladder control improves which the vet said would take several months. He is just one of the many rescue Maltese who pass through our home on their way to forever homes with loving families.
    Day 01: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 2nd July 2010 at 04:35 AM.

  7. #47

    Re: Flower

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    01 July 2010: Porsche the Wonder Dog - This little guy has been through a lot of tribulation. He was not neutered by his original owner and developed testicular cancer. His owner wanted to put him down. The American Maltese Association, Maltese Rescue intervened and paid for his surgery which the vet said was successful. He is several months post-op now and is doing wonderfully. His hair is growing out (he had lost all his hair from shoulders back) and he jumps around like nothing has ever happened. Here is the little acrobat jumping from a laundry hamper to get over a half-door into another room where he suspects treats are being given out. Seeing him so lively and healthy gives us a warm feeling. We will continue to foster him until he grows back his hair and until his bladder control improves which the vet said would take several months. He is just one of the many rescue Maltese who pass through our home on their way to forever homes with loving families.
    Day 01: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    A very nice dog, and well done to you for taking the trouble to look after rescued animals.

  8. #48
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Day 01: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread: Sparrow eating wild apples


    Species Turdidae pretty common in UK. This male seemed curious over the shutter clack and stopped to look me over.

    Thinking about it forgot to include shooting details.... Eos 7D with Sigma 50 500mm telephoto hand held at full extension. Quite a high ISO because quite dull (500).



  9. #49
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Death of a bumble bee

    Quote Originally Posted by rick55 View Post
    Very interesting, Dave: I didn't know those kind of water-top insects were scavengers. Neat image, good capture: very sharp.
    Thanks Rick,

    Neither did I, what attracted me to it was a seething mass, about 10 originally, on the pond surface, but there were just too many giving DoF issues, to make those pics worth showing, when the 'crowd' had thinned a little, I had more success with getting a sharper pic, but I still didn't see the submerged bee until I got it on the computer.

    Of course, I might have put the Macro lens on had I realised (doh), but I went out to shoot birds!

    Any sharpness is largely an illusion of 4 passes of USM; this is about a 1/3 frame crop, noise reduced because of the high iso, size reduced a further 3 times to 700 pix to get it looking somewhat sharp, and I'm still not happy with IQ but figured the interest in the content made it worthwhile on this occasion.


  10. #50
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Morning bread

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Hi Antonio,
    Home made bread? We bought one of those bread making machines not too long ago, and went through a phase of cooking a fresh loaf every day for a while. I love fresh hot bread dripping with butter, but these days I keep thinking of Alis, and feeling guilty!
    Sory Colin but I erased the photo of the bread. I think it was not goo enough.

    No, in fact the bread is bought at the shop where I go and have a morning coffee like many Portuguese do
    We don't have those kind of machines at home. I don't even have a micro-wave.
    We prefer more naturally cooked food like grilled fish or turkey meat for example.

  11. #51

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    Re: Flower

    He really looks happy, Richard, and a great shot.


  12. #52


    I am a poor workman and I AM going going to blame my tools. Sorry I am late but my beloved Mac is currently undergoing surgery to replace a hard drive. Meanwhile I have to use a Windows laptop with a postage stamp as a display that provides no consistency in viewing angle unless you clamp your head in an engineers vice. Now I am not one to go in for all this fanboy squabbling but how on earth do you PC guys put up with the pure irrational, illogical and downright poorly engineered OS they call Vista. However I liked the idea of this post a day theme so I have stuck with it. I have no hair left, the cat is black and blue and I have had to go outside for a cigarette so many times next doors rabbit has developed a chesty cough. So if all my colours are like the interior of Margo and Gerrys Surbiton home please blame Mr Gates.

    Day 01: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    My diary can be found here
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 5th October 2012 at 11:05 AM.

  13. #53
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Papped

    Just money steve, those with dosh can, those without have windows.

  14. #54

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    Re: Flower

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    01 July 2010: Porsche the Wonder Dog - This little guy has been through a lot of tribulation. He was not neutered by his original owner and developed testicular cancer.
    The one "good thing" about cancer in animals is that they don't know what it is, and they don't worry about it ... so it's just the poor owners who get to worry.

  15. #55

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    Re: Papped

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    how on earth do you PC guys put up with the pure irrational, illogical and downright poorly engineered OS they call Vista.
    I have to admit that Vista was a bit of an embarrasment, and performed particularly badly on laptops (expecially those with less than around 3GB RAM). TO answer the question though, I just upgrade them to Windows 7; I like to think of Windows 7 as being "what Vista should have been".

  16. #56
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: Papped

    @ Steve - you caught a beauty of an expression there. Has she seen the photo?

  17. #57

    Re: Papped

    I have to admit that Vista was a bit of an embarrasment, and performed particularly badly on laptops (expecially those with less than around 3GB RAM). TO answer the question though, I just upgrade them to Windows 7; I like to think of Windows 7 as being "what Vista should have been"
    We have 3 windows lptops kicking around. I think it may well be worth investing in Windows 7. I believe you are correct it is everything that a late version of OSX Tiger should be

    Just money steve, those with dosh can, those without have windows.
    Not sure about that. Colin and Rob choose to use Windows and they pack larger
    wallets than the Duke of Westminster.

    @ Steve - you caught a beauty of an expression there. Has she seen the photo?
    Yes she has seen it and had a laugh. When my Mac is back in the fold I will process and post more. This was my youngest Daughter leaving for her school prom and it had just started to rain.

  18. #58

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    Re: Papped

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Not sure about that. Colin and Rob choose to use Windows and they pack larger
    wallets than the Duke of Westminster.
    I wish!

    Seriously though, for me, a computer is just a tool - a means to an end. In my case I've made a career out of installing, servicing, and supporting PCs - but at the end of the day be it a Mac of a PC I'm sure that if you click on the Photoshop icon, they both start Photoshop ... once in Photoshop if you select File, Open and pick an image, they both open it ... the levels layers works the same - HSB layers work the same - the clone stamp tool works the same ... infact, apart from the fact that Macs have an option key and PCs have a alt key; Macs have a command key and PCs have a control key ... I don't see a lot of difference.

  19. #59
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Foot

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Antonio - what young-looking feet you have! Do you moisturise?
    I learned another word in English for this context: moisture.
    I knew the word already but related to the moisture/humidity. It is much of the same context...

    No Colin, I did not moisturise (or moisturize) at all.
    I also think that a scale is missing in the image. The foot is really tiny but one can't see how much ...

    Thank you for commenting Colin on such a trivial shot

    Quote Originally Posted by rick55 View Post
    ...António, that's a great baby picture: just the soft foot on the baby blanket tells you everything. Cheers, Rick
    Thank you for commenting Rick
    However, a better sense of scaling is missing, isn't it ?

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Richard A very nice dog, and well done to you for taking the trouble to look after rescued animals.
    Agree, agree
    Last edited by Antonio Correia; 6th July 2010 at 10:56 AM.

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