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Thread: Error 80 on Canon 550D

  1. #1

    Error 80 on Canon 550D

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F
    While shooting today I was reviewing and deleting some images when the screen went blank and Error 80 was displayed on the top camera panel. (of Canon 7D)
    Hello Geoff F,
    Did you fix it? What was the problem?
    I have a 550D and have the exact the same problem like yours. Is it the shutter or other thing?
    In my case I just replace the shutter with a new one 2 months ago, I didn't make more then 2000 photos until now.

    I expect your reply, it will help me a lot. Thank you Geoff F!
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 6th October 2015 at 07:37 AM.

  2. #2

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    Re: Error 80 on Canon 550D

    I sent to the repairers and they replaced a circuit board under guarantee. Worked fine thereafter.

    The 7D is rather prone to dampness problems so it might have been something like that.

    Since then, I have purchased a Mk II 7D which has much better weatherproofing; although I still have that old 7D as a spare.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 6th October 2015 at 07:38 AM.

  3. #3
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Error 80 on Canon 550D

    Quote Originally Posted by boy2litle View Post
    Hello Geoff F,
    Did you fix it? What was the problem?
    I have a 550D and have the exact the same problem [Error 80] like yours. Is it the shutter or other thing?
    In my case I just replace the shutter with a new one 2 months ago, I didn't make more then 2000 photos until now.

    I expect your reply, it will help me a lot. Thank you Geoff F!
    Hello 'boy2litle' . Welcome to CiC.


    A few points:

    1. Error Code 80 on an EOS 550D, is very likely NOT associated with the Shutter NOR any of the description in Post #2.

    2. I am very confident that for the 550D Error Code 80 is related to a malfunction with the electric system or images. (as Geoff found out)

    The User Fix is to: turn the camera OFF; remove the battery; ensure the battery is fully charged and the battery and camera contacts are clean and free of moisture; replace the battery; turn the camera ON. If this does not fix then take the camera to an authorized service centre. (note the point about moisture on the battery contacts - as Geoff also mentioned the 7D / weather sealing, in a moist environment.


    Canon has not always used the same error codes from model to model. However, this is only in recent years. More correctly Canon seems to have established a Set of Error Codes in 2001 and have subsequently built upon that set, adding more codes as has been required.

    Both a salient and interesting point to note about Frank's comment (Post # 2), which cited the EOS D30, is that the EOS D30 was released in 2000. I think the D30 is the only EOS DSLR which has a unique set of Error Codes.

    With the introduction of the EOS 1D in 2001 (and D60 in 2001) a new set of ERROR CODES were introduced.

    The 1D and D60 ERROR CODES are: 01; 02; 04; 05 and 99 and these are the starting point for the Error codes for all the more modern EOS DLSR cameras.

    This fact makes the EOS D30, unique in respect of Error Codes.

    Also unique about the D30 is the User Manual: my D30 User Manual does not contain the descriptions of the D30 ERR Messages, rather it just advises that if any ERR Messages shows up, then I should take my D30 to a Canon Service Centre. On the other hand, User Manuals for subsequent models including the 1D and my D60; 10D and 20D etc, all have the “ERR” Messages defined and referenced, (albeit often a very scant description).

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 6th October 2015 at 07:39 AM. Reason: slight re-write becasue Geoff answered whilst I was writing

  4. #4

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    Re: Error 80 on Canon 550D

    Did you try taking off the lens
    One cause of the error can be changing the lens whilst the camera is turned on - which we all do though best not to. I have had it happen, especially when after changing the lens I carry the camera in one hand, so it may be an alignment problem.
    Canon suggest removing the battery. I suggest also removing and replacing the lens.
    However as it is a generic error code it may be something else.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 6th October 2015 at 07:39 AM.

  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Error 80 on Canon 550D

    Unfortunately, it's not very specific.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 6th October 2015 at 07:39 AM.

  6. #6
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Error 80 on Canon 550D

    Quote Originally Posted by loosecanon View Post
    . . . One cause of the error can be changing the lens whilst the camera is turned on . . . - which we all do though best not to. I have had it happen, especially when after changing the lens I carry the camera in one hand, so it may be an alignment problem.Canon suggest removing the battery. I suggest also removing and replacing the lens.
    However as it is a generic error code it may be something else.
    Good point.

    (REF the CPN Member's Data Sheets) - "ERR 80" is an 'electrical problem' or 'image problem'.

    The fact that ERR 80 happened to you after you were carrying the camera one handed and removed the lens with the camera powered ON, certainly could have been the initiating cause of ERR80, but my best guess, based on experience, and my library of EOS Data and Reference material, is probably more likely to have been an electrical short across the lens's / camera's contacts via moisture or a contaminate creeping into the little gap between lens and camera which was conductive and shorted as you removed the lens, rather than an alignment problem with your lens and camera.

    ERR80 can also be initiated because of an alignment problem - but there also needs to be a conductive material to short the contacts, or the contacts to be damaged in some way so that they short, in which case it would be more likely that you'd get the problem all the time with that particular lens & camera combination.

    I concur with your good advice to remove the lens. Also it would be good to clean and dry those electrical contacts.


    BTW - 'guilty' I rarely turn my cameras OFF to change lenses.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 6th October 2015 at 07:39 AM.

  7. #7

    Re: Error 80 on Canon 550D

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    Good point.

    (REF the CPN Member's Data Sheets) - "ERR 80" is an 'electrical problem' or 'image problem'.

    The fact that ERR 80 happened to you after you were carrying the camera one handed and removed the lens with the camera powered ON, certainly could have been the initiating cause of ERR80, but my best guess, based on experience, and my library of EOS Data and Reference material, is probably more likely to have been an electrical short across the lens's / camera's contacts via moisture or a contaminate creeping into the little gap between lens and camera which was conductive and shorted as you removed the lens, rather than an alignment problem with your lens and camera.

    ERR80 can also be initiated because of an alignment problem - but there also needs to be a conductive material to short the contacts, or the contacts to be damaged in some way so that they short, in which case it would be more likely that you'd get the problem all the time with that particular lens & camera combination.

    I concur with your good advice to remove the lens. Also it would be good to clean and dry those electrical contacts.


    BTW - 'guilty' I rarely turn my cameras OFF to change lenses.
    I had this error after I've did 20 or 30 photos using liveview mode. At an certain moment my images start to have some distortions on them at high ISO (800-1600). Here and example of this kind of photo - . I've change the ISO to 400 or 200 and for other couple of photos the distortions wasn't there anymore. After that it start to show even on lower ISO the areas with distortions increased in size (here an example: and after othe couple of frames dead. The display went black, in the viewfinder at the bottom it was written Err 80, the LED from card reader was red all the time, also still on after I've switch off the camera and after a couple of second some beeps, one at every half a second.

    I've had to get out the battery in order to make it stop from that beep.

    I've tried to switch on again an before to do that I've switch the mode from manual to video. Some wierd colored lines (here are some examples: or ) on the screen and black again (the diplay).
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 6th October 2015 at 07:39 AM.

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Error 80 on Canon 550D

    Now we know all that and seen the pictures; I'd say it is definitely going to be a repair job, I'm afraid.

    Kinda sounds like something was getting overheated and finally 'gave up the ghost'.

    BTW may I extend a warm welcome to the CiC forums from me.

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    this helps everyone give you more personal and relevant answers - thanks in advance.

    Cheers, Dave
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 6th October 2015 at 07:40 AM.

  9. #9

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    Re: Error 80 on Canon 550D

    Not good news I'm afraid.

    Here in the UK it is around £100 for a strip down and rebuild plus any parts; so it sounds like you will have to do some serious thinking about your next move.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 6th October 2015 at 07:40 AM.

  10. #10
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Error 80 on Canon 550D

    Quote Originally Posted by boy2litle View Post
    I had this error [using my EOS550D] after I've did 20 or 30 photos using liveview mode. At an certain moment my images start to have some distortions on them at high ISO (800-1600). . . . I've change the ISO to 400 or 200 and for other couple of photos the distortions wasn't there anymore. After that it start to show even on lower ISO the areas with distortions increased in size . . .
    I concur with Dave's assessment. It appears that the sensor overheated and caused permanent damage, this should be checked and confirmed by a qualified Technician.

    The distortions in the images that you made at ISO 800~1600 were a warning that the sensor was overheating. The camera at some time, should have displayed the "temperature" WARNING ICON. Next, if the camera was not powered off by you, the camera should have automatically shut off; however it is possible that you might have forced the camera to continue by switching it back ON or, alternatively it is possible that the automatic shut-off might not have worked, but I suspect that is unlikely.

    It's important to only use Live View for the minimal period of time (e.g. for the accurate focus and framing) and not to leave the camera in Live View mode continuously whilst you are thinking about the shot or doing other things. It is even more important if you are making long exposures, that you rest the camera between those exposures.

    Refer to pp 121 and 122 of the 550D User Manual where the important precautions for Live View are listed.


    . . . the LED from card reader was red all the time, also still on after I've switch off the camera
    At that point in time switching the camera off probably didn't help matters: the camera was still writing to the card also still on after I've switch off the camera and after a couple of second some beeps, one at every half a second. I've had to get out the battery in order to make it stop from that beep.
    I assume "the LED from card reader was red all the time" refers to THE ACCESS LAMP.

    This is another issue: probably removing the battery did not assist matters and potentially caused damage. It is possible that this is the only cause of the damage and the damage might be limited to the card. You can check this by inserting a new card into the camera and testing if that new card can be formatted and images recorded to it.

    Refer to p32 of the 550D User Manual for instructions pertaining to the Access Lamp's Warning Functionality.


    I am sorry for you that this lesson seems to have been learned by experience, hopefully it is card only damage; but to be blunt on the face of the information disclosed, I don't think this is so.

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 6th October 2015 at 07:40 AM. Reason: corrected Page ref. # to suit 550D (not 7D)

  11. #11
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Error 80 on Canon 550D

    I am sure I speak for others too - thank you for the work in making this a new thread.

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