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Thread: Changing lenses in the field

  1. #21
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Changing lenses in the field

    In the field, sports bras are wonderful places to stash lenses as you change them. They also hold a lot of other gear as you are transferring stuff around.

    Also keeps batteries and memory cards warm in the winter during events.


  2. #22
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Changing lenses in the field

    Quote Originally Posted by Marie Hass View Post
    In the field, sports bras are wonderful places to stash lenses as you change them. They also hold a lot of other gear as you are transferring stuff around.

    Also keeps batteries and memory cards warm in the winter during events.

    Interesting method!

  3. #23

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    Re: Changing lenses in the field

    I used to do the M Hass method but my lady friend kept complaining that perhaps I needed a card an battery much too often

    Sighhhhhh, the good old days.

    Oh, and a PS to some of the original posts: contrary to popular belief, turning a camera face down on any surface is asking for a plethora of dust. Better to either use a safe bag (if you are really-really paranoid) or simply cover with a dust-free cotton cloth. I can change a lens in almost any situation so fast as not to give it much worry thought..then again, I've been doing it a very long time..

  4. #24
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Changing lenses in the field

    I looked in the store today and couldn't find a sports bra to fit me. The saleslady kept giving me funny looks. Obviously she knew nothing about this method of changing lenses...

  5. #25
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Changing lenses in the field

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Obviously she knew nothing about this method of changing lenses...
    Now if you had your camera with you.....

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