These are almost suitable for the "Story behind ..." thread. The Welcome message from Donald when I joined a couple of months ago had a wee surprise - we live fairly close to each other. I looked at his online Gallery and liked what was there, including one from a nearby beauty spot, called Buchanty Spout. This, in summer, looks like a small stream with a moderate water flow, but in Autumn, after rain, is a raging torrent and a barrier to salmon making their way upstream to the breeding grounds.
Donald graciously sent me one of his fabulous B&Ws of a salmon leaping out the water at the spout, and last week we had 3 days of rain followed by one of cloudless sky so off to Buchanty it was!
My normal "Wildlife" genre is birds and this was an aquatic first. Not really happy with them but acceptable first attempts I think.
So, first up, thanks to Donald for the inspiration to go there (and make the B&Ws, which much to my surprise given that the initial expectation was to catch some fish with their seasonal colours, I much preferred to the colour originals). And of course, C&C welcome (just don't judge them against what Donald would have produced on the day). One comment I will make is that the framing is deliberate - I was trying to show what the fish have to contend with.