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Thread: Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

  1. #21

    Re: Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Of course, what else for the little darling....but I could only afford 3rd party fire and theft insurance....well actually it is a Peugeot 206 with fully comprehensive insurance which, when you include the Hello Kitty floor mats costs about the same as a Bugatti Veyron


  2. #22
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Can't get away today, so here's the last of the roses.

    Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    One is out of camera. The other is processed with ReDynaMix


  3. #23

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    Re: Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Of course, what else for the little darling....but I could only afford 3rd party fire and theft insurance....well actually it is a Peugeot 206 with fully comprehensive insurance which, when you include the Hello Kitty floor mats costs about the same as a Bugatti Veyron

    I reckon ... used to be "Barbie" ... then "Hello Kitty" and now we have "Smiggles". Same MO for all; take something worth 50c - paint it pink and sell it for $29.95. I'm in the wrong job

  4. #24

    Time for a rest

    On a long bike ride it's good to stop in a cool green arbour, to savour the sylvan delights of Wales...

    PAD album thingee

    Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread
    Last edited by carregwen; 3rd July 2010 at 10:24 PM.

  5. #25
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Time for a rest

    I have lots of other stuff shot today, but just too tired to review, select and PP tonight, apart from ...

    Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Nikon D5000 + Nikon 105mm VR2 Macro: 1/90s f/11 at iso800, no flash.

    EDIT: I just noticed I posted today's two pics at 11:42 am and 11:43 pm.

    Can't resist adding one of the 'others'

    Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Nikon D5000 + Nikon 105mm VR2 Macro: 1/125s f/5.6 at iso800
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 3rd July 2010 at 11:02 PM. Reason: add a third image

  6. #26

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    Re: One more for Good Luck!

    Quote Originally Posted by Klickit View Post
    Rick, that was luck indeed. If you had stepped out of the car, varoom... I like the shadow of her turned back head.
    Thanks for that, Kit. I really like the shadow, too: the stream is kind of yucky, but it serves to make a sharp shadow.


  7. #27
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    Re: Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Gorilla at the San Diego Wild Animal Park

    Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

  8. #28
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    Re: Time for a rest

    Time for a Rest by carregwen: Regarding this neat image... What a lovely peaceful view... I'd love to visit your beautiful area. I just learned that I have some Welsh ancestors which came as a surprise. I grew up thinking that I was of English, Irish, Scot and German heritage. Since doing genealogy (my second hobby after photography); I have added Welsh, Norman French, Huguenot French, Swiss, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish ancestry along with Cherokee and Shawnee Native American blood. I have also learned today, that I have ancestors who fought on both the Patriot and Loyalist sides during the American Revolution and that I have a couple of kings as well as a pair of ancestors who ended up being canonized in my line.. Talk about a melting pot - I epitomize that melting. And, NO the guy in the image above is NOT one of my ancestors...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 4th July 2010 at 05:01 AM.

  9. #29

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    American Independence Day Celebration

    Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    My firework shots should be better next year when it's on a tripod

    Both images are hand held and not breathing for 10 seconds.

  10. #30
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    Re: American Independence Day Celebration

    Nice work. I heard the fireworks going off tonight and said to myself, Damn... there shouldn't be fireworks tonight, it's only the Third of July... But, I am glad someone put a fireworks image on this site... I also missed the parade today which I thought was going to happen tomorrow. A day late and a dollar short - that's me!

  11. #31

    Re: Time for a rest

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Time for a Rest by carregwen: Regarding this neat image... What a lovely peaceful view... I'd love to visit your beautiful area. I just learned that I have some Welsh ancestors which came as a surprise. I grew up thinking that I was of English, Irish, Scot and German heritage. Since doing genealogy (my second hobby after photography); I have added Welsh, Norman French, Huguenot French, Swiss, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish ancestry along with Cherokee and Shawnee Native American blood. I have also learned today, that I have ancestors who fought on both the Patriot and Loyalist sides during the American Revolution and that I have a couple of kings as well as a pair of ancestors who ended up being canonized in my line.. Talk about a melting pot - I epitomize that melting. And, NO the guy in the image above is NOT one of my ancestors...
    Thanks, Richard - Wales certainly is a pretty place, especially the South West where I am, and the mid-Wales area where I shot this yesterday. Your ancestry is very rich and varied, but I guess that applies to many Americans. I like the gorilla - very handsome!

  12. #32
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Time for a rest

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I just learned that I have some Welsh ancestors ...
    I'm very sorry to hear your news. My sympathies.

    I grew up thinking that I was of English, ...
    See, it could have been worse.....
    Last edited by Donald; 4th July 2010 at 09:09 AM.

  13. #33
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Enjoying these daily threads as a spectator.

    A question, prompted by Rob's image, but directed at you all. How much planning do you put into your shot in terms of location. I'm wondering, for instance, if you, Rob, just came across that scene whilst out for the day, albeit looking for locations? Or did you know that that was there and went for it?

    I find myself going, more and more, to specific locations that I have previously identified as possibles. But on the way to and from there, there might be other things that look interesting.
    Last edited by Donald; 4th July 2010 at 09:09 AM.

  14. #34

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    Re: Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    How much planning do you put into your shot in terms of location. I'm wondering, for instance, if you, Rob, just came across that scene whilst out for the day, albeit looking for locations? Or did you know that that was there and went for it?
    A bit of both for me. Usually during an hours walk-about something will catch my eye, but if I can tie it in with other projects then that's fine too. Case in point ... whilst driving back from the Day #2 shots I saw a scene that would look good on another night.

  15. #35
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    Re: Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Enjoying these daily threads as a spectator.

    A question, prompted by Rob's image, but directed at you all. How much planning do you put into your shot in terms of location.

    I find myself going, more and more, to specific locations that I have previously identified as possibles. But on the way to and from there, there might be other things that look interesting.
    A lot depends on what else I'm doing on the particular day and also on the weather. It's mid-winter here at the moment and getting a sunny day is a rarity. So some days, I know what I'll shoot and others, it just appears in front of me.

  16. #36

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    Re: One more for Good Luck!

    This is a great set, Colin. The middle one is a wonderful concept: I predict that those two will treasure that one many years from now.


  17. #37

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    Re: One more for Good Luck!

    Great shot of the fly, Dave: you nailed it. They're the most complicated critters, when you get this close to them.


  18. #38
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    Re: One more for Good Luck!

    For this exercise, I am practicing what will be my students' standing assignment next semester. They will be tasked to turn in two pictures each week. When something catches their eye and shouts for a picture, they are to take that picture instantly. Then they are to move about, compose the picture, change lenses, angles, perspective and such until they get the "best" picture. Then write a paragraph on why the subject caught their attention.

    If I'm going to teach it, I'd better know what I'm doing.


  19. #39
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    Re: Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread: Time

    just an addendum...
    As I was leaving the car park at Hockley, I saw some convolvulous growing at the corner of the wall. They were the largest blooms I've seen for a few years. So I took a shot. Bit firther up the wall I noticed some Brummie wit had chosen to indulge in a bit of true philosophy, so... a second shot.

    (amused me anyway)



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    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th July 2010 at 09:26 PM.

  20. #40

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    Re: Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread: Time

    Quote Originally Posted by James G View Post
    just an addendum...
    As I was leaving the car park at Hockley, I saw some convolvulous growing at the corner of the wall. They were the largest blooms I've seen for a few years. So I took a shot. Bit firther up the wall I noticed some Brummie wit had chosen to indulge in a bit of true philosophy, so... a second shot.

    (amused me anyway)

    Hi James,

    This is quite freaky ... I've had an idea to do a "just another brick in the wall" composite for quite a while and JUST YESTERDAY I took 3 shots for it! I've put them together this morning after I saw your images ...

    Day 03: July 2010 Photo-a-Day Thread

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