Dear You,
Please share your view for my below picture, which crop is more effective.
cr by Tejal Imagination, on Flickr
a by Tejal Imagination, on Flickr
Dear You,
Please share your view for my below picture, which crop is more effective.
cr by Tejal Imagination, on Flickr
a by Tejal Imagination, on Flickr
Last edited by Tejal; 12th October 2015 at 04:02 PM.
I like the first crop. Quite the "shop".
Absolutely wonderful image. I also like #1 the best!
Excellent social documentary photography. Like the others, the first one is, I think, much the stronger image.
First crop, the second is a cropping no-no, unless used for humor.
Seems to be the majority views are pic 1 , that I must fully agree with that Pic one is wonderful and crop two loses the full impact .
#1 speaks volumes.
Number one is best. Again, Tejal, you have given us a view of the streets.
Hi Tejal,
Definitely #1 - although - I was playing around; moving the image in LyteBox - have you considered cropping off most of the left hand side?
I had in mind a crop so that the left hand rope goes in to the top left corner.
The only downside is that we'd lose the 'sweeping up' brush on the ground.
For me also, #2 is a 'no-no'; I am no fan of headless barber's - they might do the same to me
Cheers, Dave
Very interesting shot, and well sighted.
I think you need to include the barber to give a complete picture to your commentary.
Although I typically steer clear of the "bulls eye" placement of the subject, it can certainly work with a portrait, and that is basically what you have here.
I'd recommend a 1:1 crop to see what you think. I don't think you'll miss the extra "information" on the left.
Agree # 1 is the best. I, too, would suggest cropping the left side--though not so far as the rope--losing the broom is not a great loss since it is not very well seen in the photo anyway. Any chance of desaturating the blue just a tiny?
i like it just the way it is... I often crop and otherwise modify Tejal's images (with her personal permission to do so) but, I like everything about this image with no changes...
You just killed the barber guy in #2...I am with the consensus of no cropping of head...where's the blood?