Thanks for the comments; and now for some more click and hope shots under impossible conditions.
Week 46 - Volunteer Maintenance Day at the Woods
I had taken some reasonable equipment with me but when I arrived at the site it was starting to rain so I left that gear in my vehicle and just took my Fuji X20 'pocket camera' well sealed inside a plastic bag. There were some 'visiting workers' there on that day so during the afternoon, when it brightened fractionally, they posed for some official photographs; which, of course, meant that I was tempted to use my camera for some 'unofficial' shots.
Fuji X20 1/150 F5.6 Iso 400. Edited as a merge of two Raw conversions but still quite noisy due to the conditions.
1/80 F6.4 Iso 400
Posing for the official photograph.
1/90 F5.6 Iso 400
And a close up of the 'official photographer'.
1/150 F5.6 Iso 400
Perhaps one day I will get to shoot something under ideal conditions; but this is the UK in winter so it will probably remain 'murky' for a few more months.