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Thread: Sample Craigslist Posting

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Sample Craigslist Posting

    Craigslist is a free and excellent way to advertise our rescue events. However, we (for several reasons) do not advertise individual dogs on Craigslist.

    Here is what the ad for tomorrow's rescue event looks like. Please give me your CC.

    When someone searches craigslist in the Pet Section of, using Maltese as a search parameter, this is what comes up...

    Sample Craigslist Posting

    I think that the hearts make our listing stand out.

    When a person clicks on our Maltese Adoption Event, this is what comes up. Please click to see how it actually appears on craigslist...

    If you were seeking to adopt a small Maltese-type dog, would this posting attract your interest?

    I am open to any suggestions for improving these postings...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 16th October 2015 at 04:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Sample Craigslist Posting

    Looks very good, Richard.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Sample Craigslist Posting

    The PetSmart line makes it look like a commercial venture, it may turn off some potential adopters; even though that may just be the location of the event.

  4. #4

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    Re: Sample Craigslist Posting

    Hi Richard,

    Very impressive photos.
    And nice looking Maltese.

    Your ad is very appealing.

    Wishing your Maltese find good homes/petlovers.


  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Sample Craigslist Posting

    Hi Richard,

    The hearts and CAPITALS certainly make you stand out in the listings.

    In regard of John's point; is whether it would help if the word "CHARITY" were in the listing heading?

    Or another phrase; e.g. 'Non Profit' or 'NPO'?

    Given the rather 'austere' nature of the listings pages (beyond your control), I think you've done about as well as you can;

    You tell people:
    when and where
    set their mind at rest with regard to health, etc.
    you are a charity (I'm not sure about the "tax deductable" bit*)
    you list the dogs available - I assume they will be there 'in person'?

    You also have links to your website, facebook page and the Pepsi and Cola rescue - all of which work, I checked.

    Hope that's useful, Dave

    * Mainly because in UK it works the other way around; the income tax on what we donate can be recovered by the charity, adding 25% to what we give them, but not by us personally. However, if it helps people donate more in USA (because of a taxable income offset), then leave it there.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 16th October 2015 at 07:48 PM.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Sample Craigslist Posting

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Richard,

    * Mainly because in UK it works the other way around; the income tax on what we donate can be recovered by the charity, adding 25% to what we give them, but not by us personally. However, if it helps people donate more in USA (because of a taxable income offset), then leave it there.
    The differences in the tax situation here and in the UK is very interesting.

    In the USA, a person or a business entity may (subject to certain limitations) donate money to an organization authorized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Department (we are so listed after filling out the requisite paperwork and jumping through the requisite hoops) as a 501(c)(3) organization. Then when filling out one's Federal Income Tax Statement, the amount donated (subject to certain limitations) is compiled with other deductions (such as interest on a home mortgage, etc.) to arrive at the final income level which is taxed.

    Obviously, how much a person gains from the deduction depends on that person's income level. If you are at a higher tax rate, the deduction becomes more valuable.

    The 501(c)(3) designation also allows us folks who work with the organization to deduct certain contributions, such as the mileage incurred working with the organization. The sad thing (for us volunteers) is that mileage incurred for charity purposes is only deductible at $0.14 USD per mile. Business organizations can deduct $0.56 USD per mile for their business mileage. Quite a difference when you drive an aggregate of over 15,000 miles per year as my wife and I do...

    State income tax is calculated on the basis of Federal Income Tax although there are some differences in deductions allowed.

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